A stuffed giant panda of suede cloth (polyester). 9 centimeters.

Two-tone animal needs a lot of components. It may not be fit for beginners or hasty persons to try.
When cutting, add seam allowance (3 - 5 mm).

Sew the ears. Turn inside out.
Put an ear on F-E, and sew the head and neck. (F-E-D-C)
D-C is longer than D-C´. Gather it up.

Sew the neck, foreleg, body and leg.
Sew the dart of the hip. (N-O)

Sew the right and left of the body. (H-I-M and A-B) Unsew the back. (M-N)
Sew the crown to the head. (H-F-G-A-G-F-H)

Sew the throat, inside forelegs, belly and inside legs.

Sew the belly to the body. (N-P-Q-L-K-J-C-B-C-J-K-L-Q-P-N)
Fold the tail and sew it.

Turn inside out.
Attach the tail to the hip with ladder stitch.

Stuff polyester fiberfill in it. Close the back.

Embroider the mouth.
Glue the eye patches and the nose. Attach the eyes.

If you use fur fabric, it will be fatter.
The smaller one is 50 % size.

More pandas.

Panda apron.
Panda pouch.
Panda cookies --- manufactured goods.
Runo's site:
Cloth Doll Making
Sewing / Hanty

Two-tone animal needs a lot of components. It may not be fit for beginners or hasty persons to try.
When cutting, add seam allowance (3 - 5 mm).

Sew the ears. Turn inside out.
Put an ear on F-E, and sew the head and neck. (F-E-D-C)
D-C is longer than D-C´. Gather it up.

Sew the neck, foreleg, body and leg.
Sew the dart of the hip. (N-O)

Sew the right and left of the body. (H-I-M and A-B) Unsew the back. (M-N)
Sew the crown to the head. (H-F-G-A-G-F-H)

Sew the throat, inside forelegs, belly and inside legs.

Sew the belly to the body. (N-P-Q-L-K-J-C-B-C-J-K-L-Q-P-N)
Fold the tail and sew it.

Turn inside out.
Attach the tail to the hip with ladder stitch.

Stuff polyester fiberfill in it. Close the back.

Embroider the mouth.
Glue the eye patches and the nose. Attach the eyes.

If you use fur fabric, it will be fatter.
The smaller one is 50 % size.

More pandas.

Panda apron.
Panda pouch.
Panda cookies --- manufactured goods.
Runo's site:
Cloth Doll Making
Sewing / Hanty

Two-tone animal needs a lot of components. It may not be fit for beginners or hasty persons to try.
When cutting, add seam allowance (3 - 5 mm).

Sew the ears. Turn inside out.
Put an ear on F-E, and sew the head and neck. (F-E-D-C)
D-C is longer than D-C´. Gather it up.

Sew the neck, foreleg, body and leg.
Sew the dart of the hip. (N-O)

Sew the right and left of the body. (H-I-M and A-B) Unsew the back. (M-N)
Sew the crown to the head. (H-F-G-A-G-F-H)

Sew the throat, inside forelegs, belly and inside legs.

Sew the belly to the body. (N-P-Q-L-K-J-C-B-C-J-K-L-Q-P-N)
Fold the tail and sew it.

Turn inside out.
Attach the tail to the hip with ladder stitch.

Stuff polyester fiberfill in it. Close the back.

Embroider the mouth.
Glue the eye patches and the nose. Attach the eyes.

If you use fur fabric, it will be fatter.
The smaller one is 50 % size.

More pandas.

Panda apron.
Panda pouch.
Panda cookies --- manufactured goods.
Runo's site:
Cloth Doll Making
Sewing / Hanty
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