
The Difficulties of Hair Loss For Men

Although many men experience hair loss and is actually more socially acceptable compared to women - men are just as affected by the condition even though it's not as taboo of a topic. For many, there is this constant fear of aging. We all want to look our best, put our best face forward and not have to deal with aging early on in life. But the effects of hair loss can make us look much older and it is something that many feel powerless to control or change. The fear of aging is very much real and prevalent as the media - so many products claim to target the effects of aging, and everyone wanting to stay looking young and fresh.

Male pattern baldness is a genetic condition in which testosterone is turned into dihydro-testosterone in the body that attacks the hair follicles. First it will cause miniaturization (shrinkage) of the follicles, and over time will cause thinning and then hair loss. Hair follicles are extremely sensitive to DHT in the body and DHT affects the normal growth pattern. We lose about 100 hairs a day normally, and those hairs lost are replaced by new hair coming in - but when this normal growth pattern is altered, the hairs being lost are not being replaced as they once were in the body.

For male pattern baldness, a lot of men experience a pattern in which the hairline begins to recede and loss of the crown, but there remains on the back of the scalp an unaffected area where the follicles are not affected by DHT and the hair is thick and strong. The goal with a genetic hair loss treatment is to freeze the stage of pattern baldness so the loss does not progress. You want to be able to save as much hair as possible from being lost on the scalp, so starting a treatment early is a good rule of thumb.

Male pattern baldness is not considered such an emotional condition as it would be for a woman - but men are affected. Self-esteem takes a hit when a man sees himself aging or looking older due to this condition. There is no special diet or exercise or lifestyle to follow to stop genetic male pattern baldness, so men feel almost powerless to stop the condition once it starts. But there are treatments for men, natural hair loss treatments, as well as medical therapy like Propecia.

Although many men experience hair loss and is actually more socially acceptable compared to women - men are just as affected by the condition even though it's not as taboo of a topic. For many, there is this constant fear of aging. We all want to look our best, put our best face forward and not have to deal with aging early on in life. But the effects of hair loss can make us look much older and it is something that many feel powerless to control or change. The fear of aging is very much real and prevalent as the media - so many products claim to target the effects of aging, and everyone wanting to stay looking young and fresh.

Male pattern baldness is a genetic condition in which testosterone is turned into dihydro-testosterone in the body that attacks the hair follicles. First it will cause miniaturization (shrinkage) of the follicles, and over time will cause thinning and then hair loss. Hair follicles are extremely sensitive to DHT in the body and DHT affects the normal growth pattern. We lose about 100 hairs a day normally, and those hairs lost are replaced by new hair coming in - but when this normal growth pattern is altered, the hairs being lost are not being replaced as they once were in the body.

For male pattern baldness, a lot of men experience a pattern in which the hairline begins to recede and loss of the crown, but there remains on the back of the scalp an unaffected area where the follicles are not affected by DHT and the hair is thick and strong. The goal with a genetic hair loss treatment is to freeze the stage of pattern baldness so the loss does not progress. You want to be able to save as much hair as possible from being lost on the scalp, so starting a treatment early is a good rule of thumb.

Male pattern baldness is not considered such an emotional condition as it would be for a woman - but men are affected. Self-esteem takes a hit when a man sees himself aging or looking older due to this condition. There is no special diet or exercise or lifestyle to follow to stop genetic male pattern baldness, so men feel almost powerless to stop the condition once it starts. But there are treatments for men, natural hair loss treatments, as well as medical therapy like Propecia.

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