
Hair Loss - More Prevalent or Are we More Aware

Nobody likes getting older when it means hair loss. With all the products out there that are intended to stop aging, we feel like we need to control the effects of aging. The number one most common procedure in 2011 was Botox. So it is not a secret that we are all trying to essentially freeze our looks at a certain age so we don't get older.

One aging process that seems more prevalent today than in the past is hair loss. Genetic hair loss, or pattern baldness, is a condition in which dihyrdotestosterone in the body attacks the hair follicles and causes miniaturization and eventually hair fall and loss. A receding hairline is an indicator that we are getting older, but why does it seem today that we are all losing our hair more now than ever before?

It could be because as a society, we are more aware of the aging effects on our body. And when we are constantly being reminded to stop aging with serums, botox, hair loss treatments and the like, we become more critical and aware of our appearance and how it is changing and altering as we get older. So it could be simply that we are all losing our hair and have been for some time now - but that we are just more critical and mindful of our hairlines and our appearance than ever before. So why is this? There can be several reasons. The pressure of body image and genetic hair loss created by commercials and what is considered beautiful has an affect on the lives of everyday people - whether they may realize it or not. When there are so many commercials advertising all the things we should be on top of or should be fixing about ourselves, it creates a sort of conscious critical nature of people. If aging and hair loss and wrinkles are not considered beautiful, well then that needs to be fixed and altered or monitored. Many look up to celebrities and how they look should be mirrored or achieved.

The truth is we all want to be the best versions of ourselves and there is a more critical nature in the media and with individuals who heavily monitor their looks and how aging is affecting them. While not a negative thing, it is prevalent in the media, television, movies, Hollywood etc. and it makes aging seem like something that needs to be stopped - hair loss being one of them.

Nobody likes getting older when it means hair loss. With all the products out there that are intended to stop aging, we feel like we need to control the effects of aging. The number one most common procedure in 2011 was Botox. So it is not a secret that we are all trying to essentially freeze our looks at a certain age so we don't get older.

One aging process that seems more prevalent today than in the past is hair loss. Genetic hair loss, or pattern baldness, is a condition in which dihyrdotestosterone in the body attacks the hair follicles and causes miniaturization and eventually hair fall and loss. A receding hairline is an indicator that we are getting older, but why does it seem today that we are all losing our hair more now than ever before?

It could be because as a society, we are more aware of the aging effects on our body. And when we are constantly being reminded to stop aging with serums, botox, hair loss treatments and the like, we become more critical and aware of our appearance and how it is changing and altering as we get older. So it could be simply that we are all losing our hair and have been for some time now - but that we are just more critical and mindful of our hairlines and our appearance than ever before. So why is this? There can be several reasons. The pressure of body image and genetic hair loss created by commercials and what is considered beautiful has an affect on the lives of everyday people - whether they may realize it or not. When there are so many commercials advertising all the things we should be on top of or should be fixing about ourselves, it creates a sort of conscious critical nature of people. If aging and hair loss and wrinkles are not considered beautiful, well then that needs to be fixed and altered or monitored. Many look up to celebrities and how they look should be mirrored or achieved.

The truth is we all want to be the best versions of ourselves and there is a more critical nature in the media and with individuals who heavily monitor their looks and how aging is affecting them. While not a negative thing, it is prevalent in the media, television, movies, Hollywood etc. and it makes aging seem like something that needs to be stopped - hair loss being one of them.

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