
Exercise And Hair Loss

Exercise is a very important part of a healthy lifestyle - it makes us feel good, releases endorphins in the body that make us happy and keep all the health risks at bay such as diabetes or high blood pressure. But with anything, too much of a good thing can sometimes have negative impacts on our physical health. For example, if someone who is very active solely focuses on a certain type of exercise, this can sometimes affect the body in different ways - depending upon the person and many other factors.

It is said that certain kinds of exercise release more hormones in the body that cause a certain level of muscle build. If a man or woman is doing a lot of weight lifting, the hormones in the body actually change. If you ever notice that female bodybuilders, for example, have more masculine bodies. CNN posted an article about the link between heavy weight lifting and hair loss and if there a real connection between the two. Basically, by the age of 35, 2/3 of men in American will experience some kind of hair thinning or loss and the numbers only increase for men in their 50s and older. When testosterone is converted in dihydro testosterone (DHT) in the body, it attacks the hair follicles and causes thinning and overall loss as well. Although there are no direct studies that indicate that a weight loss program actually causes hair loss, weight lifting in general does raise the levels of the testosterone hormone in the body. So when the body's hormones are out of wack, this leaves the person potentially more vulnerable to DHT that causes hair loss.

So overall, there is absolutely no link between the two and it's important to explore all causes and factors that are on setting this condition before considering that the exercise is what is causing the condition. For the body overall, frequent weight lifting and strain on the body and on the muscles will cause the body to change and adapt to this kind of exercise. But as far as pattern baldness is concerned, it's more likely a genetic unavoidable factor than one being caused by your dumbbells.

Exercise is a very important part of a healthy lifestyle - it makes us feel good, releases endorphins in the body that make us happy and keep all the health risks at bay such as diabetes or high blood pressure. But with anything, too much of a good thing can sometimes have negative impacts on our physical health. For example, if someone who is very active solely focuses on a certain type of exercise, this can sometimes affect the body in different ways - depending upon the person and many other factors.

It is said that certain kinds of exercise release more hormones in the body that cause a certain level of muscle build. If a man or woman is doing a lot of weight lifting, the hormones in the body actually change. If you ever notice that female bodybuilders, for example, have more masculine bodies. CNN posted an article about the link between heavy weight lifting and hair loss and if there a real connection between the two. Basically, by the age of 35, 2/3 of men in American will experience some kind of hair thinning or loss and the numbers only increase for men in their 50s and older. When testosterone is converted in dihydro testosterone (DHT) in the body, it attacks the hair follicles and causes thinning and overall loss as well. Although there are no direct studies that indicate that a weight loss program actually causes hair loss, weight lifting in general does raise the levels of the testosterone hormone in the body. So when the body's hormones are out of wack, this leaves the person potentially more vulnerable to DHT that causes hair loss.

So overall, there is absolutely no link between the two and it's important to explore all causes and factors that are on setting this condition before considering that the exercise is what is causing the condition. For the body overall, frequent weight lifting and strain on the body and on the muscles will cause the body to change and adapt to this kind of exercise. But as far as pattern baldness is concerned, it's more likely a genetic unavoidable factor than one being caused by your dumbbells.

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