
Female Hair Loss

Male pattern baldness and female pattern baldness are not created equal for several reasons. It's no lie that males and females experience diseases, conditions and hormonal changes very differently. Females experience hair loss for a varying amount of reasons, as with men it is easy to tell if the condition is genetic or is for some other varying reason by the pattern of the loss. The pattern is not as simple to detect for ladies - as a female can experience genetic hair loss but it may not necessarily be in a pattern similar to men. Sometimes, they can experience hair loss all over the scalp in a diffuse pattern. However, females can experience pattern baldness similar to that of a man, the patterns are not so typical for women. This is why it is more difficult for a doctor to do a blind diagnosis of the female sufferer without getting all the medical history and also, sometimes, doing a blood test.

The role of hormones play a big part in the condition, both for men and women. Women are just as likely to lose their hair as men, even though it is typically described as a male condition. Hair grows in three different cycles: anagen, catagen, and telogen. For women it's important to get a proper blood test to rule out any other conditions that may be affecting the growth on the scalp, such as thyroid issues or autoimmune diseases. Women experience hair loss different from men typically in the pattern. Where men lose at the front of hairline, and it keeps going back further and further, and most notably near the temples - women lose on the top third to one half of the scalp, and the front of the hairline stays intact. This is why it's extremely important to determine the cause before deciding on a hair loss treatment. For women, the treatments are different then for men, since drugs like Propecia are not FDA-approved for women.

As a good rule of thumb for female pattern baldness, if the condition seems to be getting worse, it's important to go to a physician to determine the cause and your options for treatment. The sooner you can stop the hair loss in its tracts, the easier it will be to regrow it.

Nicky Hamila Photo Revivogen was formulated for people suffering from hair loss who want an effective all-natural solution without any side effects and is proven to offset the effects of male and female pattern hair loss by addressing its root cause.

Male pattern baldness and female pattern baldness are not created equal for several reasons. It's no lie that males and females experience diseases, conditions and hormonal changes very differently. Females experience hair loss for a varying amount of reasons, as with men it is easy to tell if the condition is genetic or is for some other varying reason by the pattern of the loss. The pattern is not as simple to detect for ladies - as a female can experience genetic hair loss but it may not necessarily be in a pattern similar to men. Sometimes, they can experience hair loss all over the scalp in a diffuse pattern. However, females can experience pattern baldness similar to that of a man, the patterns are not so typical for women. This is why it is more difficult for a doctor to do a blind diagnosis of the female sufferer without getting all the medical history and also, sometimes, doing a blood test.

The role of hormones play a big part in the condition, both for men and women. Women are just as likely to lose their hair as men, even though it is typically described as a male condition. Hair grows in three different cycles: anagen, catagen, and telogen. For women it's important to get a proper blood test to rule out any other conditions that may be affecting the growth on the scalp, such as thyroid issues or autoimmune diseases. Women experience hair loss different from men typically in the pattern. Where men lose at the front of hairline, and it keeps going back further and further, and most notably near the temples - women lose on the top third to one half of the scalp, and the front of the hairline stays intact. This is why it's extremely important to determine the cause before deciding on a hair loss treatment. For women, the treatments are different then for men, since drugs like Propecia are not FDA-approved for women.

As a good rule of thumb for female pattern baldness, if the condition seems to be getting worse, it's important to go to a physician to determine the cause and your options for treatment. The sooner you can stop the hair loss in its tracts, the easier it will be to regrow it.

Nicky Hamila Photo Revivogen was formulated for people suffering from hair loss who want an effective all-natural solution without any side effects and is proven to offset the effects of male and female pattern hair loss by addressing its root cause.

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