

Hand-painted zebra. 7 centimetres.
Stuffed zebra

Refer to elephant about sewing.

Ears, tail, hoofs and mane.
Ears and so on
Glue 2 sheets of felt and cut out a circle. This is a hoof.
Ears are almost the same as hamster's.
Wind a white thread (double) on the upper of a bunch of black threads. It's a tail.
The mane is black and white threads (see pattern image).

Sew the neck and the mane.
Sew the neck

Sew beads as eyes.
Glue hoofs to the legs after stuffing.
Glue the hoof

I use oily felt-tip pen and dye pen for painting.
Paint zebra

Attach the tail and the ears.

Zebra back

Zebra pattern
Hand-painted zebra. 7 centimetres.
Stuffed zebra

Refer to elephant about sewing.

Ears, tail, hoofs and mane.
Ears and so on
Glue 2 sheets of felt and cut out a circle. This is a hoof.
Ears are almost the same as hamster's.
Wind a white thread (double) on the upper of a bunch of black threads. It's a tail.
The mane is black and white threads (see pattern image).

Sew the neck and the mane.
Sew the neck

Sew beads as eyes.
Glue hoofs to the legs after stuffing.
Glue the hoof

I use oily felt-tip pen and dye pen for painting.
Paint zebra

Attach the tail and the ears.

Zebra back

Zebra pattern

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