
New York Hair Restoration - Is Hair Restoration Painful?

The number of people considering hair transplants is on the increase. The number of hair transplants in 2010 was roughly 280,000; an increase of 11% from 2008; and up 66% from 2004. Many of these were New York hair restoration procedures.

Most people take quite a while to decide on whether or not to have hair restoration. They wonder if they are really bald enough to worry about it. They worry about changing the way they look. They especially worry whether they can afford the procedure. However, if they overcome these barriers, then they may start to imagine themselves with a new head of hair. At some point, they often imagine having the procedure. Then they touch their scalp and realize how sensitive an area it is. They start to wonder if they are in for serious pain.

The Most Painful Part Of The Procedure Is The Numbing Needles

New York hair restoration is considered minor surgery that requires a local anesthetic. The procedure begins when the physician injects the numbing agent at various points in the target area, until the entire area is numb. It is not unlike a more common procedure: a dentist injecting anesthetic into the gums before starting a procedure that could involve pain to the nerves in the gums or teeth. Patients tend to rate this level of pain in the 5 to 6 out of 10 region. In other words, there is definitely pain, but it is manageable.

There Can Be Some Post-Operative Pain

Much like the aforementioned dental procedure, when the anesthetic wears off, there is some residual pain. For a New York hair restoration procedure, this is due to possible swelling in the scalp area. During this period, which may last up to several weeks, the scalp can be a little sensitive and otherwise feel strange. People say that the pain is non-trivial, but not distracting. They can carry on with their normal routines with just an over-the-counter pain reliever.

Some Clients Experience No Pain

Although patients for New York hair restoration are warned to expect an experience similar to a dental procedure, some report that they experience almost no significant pain. An important point is that the most modern transplant techniques result in the least amount of pain. Interview your physician beforehand to make sure he or she is using the latest techniques. Otherwise, unless a person is extremely pain adverse, they should consider that most consider the benefits of having a new, younger look well worth the moderate pain they can expect during the procedure.

Although patients for New York hair restoration are warned to expect an experience similar to a dental procedure, some report that they experience almost no significant pain.

The number of people considering hair transplants is on the increase. The number of hair transplants in 2010 was roughly 280,000; an increase of 11% from 2008; and up 66% from 2004. Many of these were New York hair restoration procedures.

Most people take quite a while to decide on whether or not to have hair restoration. They wonder if they are really bald enough to worry about it. They worry about changing the way they look. They especially worry whether they can afford the procedure. However, if they overcome these barriers, then they may start to imagine themselves with a new head of hair. At some point, they often imagine having the procedure. Then they touch their scalp and realize how sensitive an area it is. They start to wonder if they are in for serious pain.

The Most Painful Part Of The Procedure Is The Numbing Needles

New York hair restoration is considered minor surgery that requires a local anesthetic. The procedure begins when the physician injects the numbing agent at various points in the target area, until the entire area is numb. It is not unlike a more common procedure: a dentist injecting anesthetic into the gums before starting a procedure that could involve pain to the nerves in the gums or teeth. Patients tend to rate this level of pain in the 5 to 6 out of 10 region. In other words, there is definitely pain, but it is manageable.

There Can Be Some Post-Operative Pain

Much like the aforementioned dental procedure, when the anesthetic wears off, there is some residual pain. For a New York hair restoration procedure, this is due to possible swelling in the scalp area. During this period, which may last up to several weeks, the scalp can be a little sensitive and otherwise feel strange. People say that the pain is non-trivial, but not distracting. They can carry on with their normal routines with just an over-the-counter pain reliever.

Some Clients Experience No Pain

Although patients for New York hair restoration are warned to expect an experience similar to a dental procedure, some report that they experience almost no significant pain. An important point is that the most modern transplant techniques result in the least amount of pain. Interview your physician beforehand to make sure he or she is using the latest techniques. Otherwise, unless a person is extremely pain adverse, they should consider that most consider the benefits of having a new, younger look well worth the moderate pain they can expect during the procedure.

Although patients for New York hair restoration are warned to expect an experience similar to a dental procedure, some report that they experience almost no significant pain.

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