
Bring A Beautiful Change In Your Life With Hair Transplant Surgery

Bulimia And Hair Loss

Are you suffering from Bulimia? Are you experiencing constant hair loss? More and more people are now suffering from Bulimia and looking for a treatment which will help them to fight hair loss problems.

The other term used for Bulimia is "Bulimia Nervosa". It's mainly an eating disorder. If you are trying to get rid of the excess fat using unorthodox methods, you may suffer from Bulimia. So, stop using unhealthy methods to get rid of the excess calories.


Some of the common symptoms of the disease include excessive exercise, fasting and use of enemas, diuretics and laxatives. Excessive amount of foods may be eaten by bulimia patients within a very short span of time. Strange behavior like self-induced vomiting is adopted by the sufferers for avoiding weight gain. These symptoms occur quite frequently and over a number of months.


Treatment for bulimia primarily includes psychotherapy, nutritional counseling and anti-depressants.

Psychotherapy: It usually involves individual, group or family psychotherapy and concentrates on the fundamental emotional relationships and experiences that are responsible for the disease. Cognitive behavioral therapy is also applied, which is concerned with changing habits like purging and bingeing.

Medication:It involves antidepressants like SSRIs or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. They are prescribed in conjunction with psychological therapies.

Diet and nutrition:Patient's perception about food, body and eating are analyzed for the purpose of changing them and helping him get rid of the habit of binge-purge. The patient is also put on a healthy diet so that he can safely gain weight.


The disease can be prevented by diagnosing it in its early stage so that treatment can be started on time. However, once a condition like bulimia and hair loss develops, prevention includes stopping it from getting worse.

Is Hair Transplant Surgery The Right Solution?

In case, you fail to diagnose it in the right time, you don't have any other option but to look for a reputed clinic for hair transplant in Kolkata. A hair transplant surgery is one of the best ways to get your natural and beautiful hair back.

Whether it's due to hereditary issue or perhaps a result of a bad hair product, you can get your hair back with the help of the transplant surgery. Man or woman, one can enjoy a lot of benefits from the transplant surgery. It can bring a beautiful change in your life. So, you just need too enjoy it.

With the popularity of hair transplant in Kolkata, more and more people prefer to choose Kolkata for the surgery. So, take your flight to Kolkata now if you have decided to go for a transplant.

Good luck!

Abhay K Singh writes articles for Prem Cosmetic Surgery, one of the leading names in the industry for hair transplant in Kolkata .

Bulimia And Hair Loss

Are you suffering from Bulimia? Are you experiencing constant hair loss? More and more people are now suffering from Bulimia and looking for a treatment which will help them to fight hair loss problems.

The other term used for Bulimia is "Bulimia Nervosa". It's mainly an eating disorder. If you are trying to get rid of the excess fat using unorthodox methods, you may suffer from Bulimia. So, stop using unhealthy methods to get rid of the excess calories.


Some of the common symptoms of the disease include excessive exercise, fasting and use of enemas, diuretics and laxatives. Excessive amount of foods may be eaten by bulimia patients within a very short span of time. Strange behavior like self-induced vomiting is adopted by the sufferers for avoiding weight gain. These symptoms occur quite frequently and over a number of months.


Treatment for bulimia primarily includes psychotherapy, nutritional counseling and anti-depressants.

Psychotherapy: It usually involves individual, group or family psychotherapy and concentrates on the fundamental emotional relationships and experiences that are responsible for the disease. Cognitive behavioral therapy is also applied, which is concerned with changing habits like purging and bingeing.

Medication:It involves antidepressants like SSRIs or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. They are prescribed in conjunction with psychological therapies.

Diet and nutrition:Patient's perception about food, body and eating are analyzed for the purpose of changing them and helping him get rid of the habit of binge-purge. The patient is also put on a healthy diet so that he can safely gain weight.


The disease can be prevented by diagnosing it in its early stage so that treatment can be started on time. However, once a condition like bulimia and hair loss develops, prevention includes stopping it from getting worse.

Is Hair Transplant Surgery The Right Solution?

In case, you fail to diagnose it in the right time, you don't have any other option but to look for a reputed clinic for hair transplant in Kolkata. A hair transplant surgery is one of the best ways to get your natural and beautiful hair back.

Whether it's due to hereditary issue or perhaps a result of a bad hair product, you can get your hair back with the help of the transplant surgery. Man or woman, one can enjoy a lot of benefits from the transplant surgery. It can bring a beautiful change in your life. So, you just need too enjoy it.

With the popularity of hair transplant in Kolkata, more and more people prefer to choose Kolkata for the surgery. So, take your flight to Kolkata now if you have decided to go for a transplant.

Good luck!

Abhay K Singh writes articles for Prem Cosmetic Surgery, one of the leading names in the industry for hair transplant in Kolkata .

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