
Learning About The Types of Baldness and Rapid Hair Fiber- Your Immediate and Instant Baldness Cure!

Types of alopecia

Diffuse (loss of hair from the entire scalp)Circumscribed (sclerosis) andNon-scarring alopecia

In non-scarring alopecia they are found 3 types:

Androgenetic alopecia (baldness)Alopecia AreataMolt (effluvium) anagen or telogen

Pathologies that display non-scarring alopecia are many. Important of these are: neonatal, post pregnancy, infectious diseases, X-rays, emotional factors and mental illnesses. Skin diseases, disorders of metabolism, rapid weight loss, hormonal imbalance, toxic substances and drugs: anticoagulants, antithyroid, anti-cholesterol, mercury, hypervitaminosis A, lithium, cimetidine, borax etc. But with an Instant baldness cure, such as the Rapid Hair fiber treatment you can see that the miracles indeed exist!

A) Androgenetic alopecia (baldness)

It's due to the effect of androgens on the follicles in genetically predisposed individuals. The main representative of androgen is testosterone. Rightly first Aristotle observed that children and women showed no baldness. The same thing happened with castrated. The fact that administration of testosterone to castrate, result in the appearance of baldness is evidence of hormonal etiology. Both bald and hairy humans maintain their hair; testosterone is generally close to normal levels in the blood.

In the follicle testosterone by the action of the enzyme 5a-reductase (5a-reductase), is converted to a powerful derivative, the dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is responsible for androgenic alopecia. Obviously those who have inherited the presence of the enzyme in the follicle (men or women) will present earlier or later alopecia.

Disease progression aggravating role seems to play the psychological burden on the problem occurred. 5% of men 20 years before starting a symmetrical front of temporal thinning and slight loss along the front line (type I). In the third decade, there is a deterioration and partial loss peak (type II). With increasing age, the loss becomes stronger in both positions (type III). In type IV is combining the two positions and complete stripping of the parietal region. Finally the formula V remains only a peripheral zone of hair.

In women, androgenetic starts later and progresses more slowly. Initially the image is diffuse type dilution on top. The formula I developed at the age of 40 years, whereas types IV and V are extremely rare. The production of testosterone but may be increased so that it must be several times under hormonal controls. Sometimes it is simply from genetic predisposition, especially if the relatives of both parents have been troubledwith alopecia.

B) Alopecia areata (Alopecia Areata)

Mainly young people (five-30 years old) suffer from it and can coexist with various autoimmune diseases e.g. (vitiligo-psoriasis), although implicated heredity, endocrine and neuropsychiatric disorders. It first appears with one or more patches on the scalp or beard in men of a diameter of 1-5 centimeters. Hair is missing completely and the skin is smooth, whitish and soft with enlarged pores. It can occur in eyebrows and eyelashes. The prognosis and disease progression is not the same from patient to patient.

Types of alopecia

Diffuse (loss of hair from the entire scalp)Circumscribed (sclerosis) andNon-scarring alopecia

In non-scarring alopecia they are found 3 types:

Androgenetic alopecia (baldness)Alopecia AreataMolt (effluvium) anagen or telogen

Pathologies that display non-scarring alopecia are many. Important of these are: neonatal, post pregnancy, infectious diseases, X-rays, emotional factors and mental illnesses. Skin diseases, disorders of metabolism, rapid weight loss, hormonal imbalance, toxic substances and drugs: anticoagulants, antithyroid, anti-cholesterol, mercury, hypervitaminosis A, lithium, cimetidine, borax etc. But with an Instant baldness cure, such as the Rapid Hair fiber treatment you can see that the miracles indeed exist!

A) Androgenetic alopecia (baldness)

It's due to the effect of androgens on the follicles in genetically predisposed individuals. The main representative of androgen is testosterone. Rightly first Aristotle observed that children and women showed no baldness. The same thing happened with castrated. The fact that administration of testosterone to castrate, result in the appearance of baldness is evidence of hormonal etiology. Both bald and hairy humans maintain their hair; testosterone is generally close to normal levels in the blood.

In the follicle testosterone by the action of the enzyme 5a-reductase (5a-reductase), is converted to a powerful derivative, the dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is responsible for androgenic alopecia. Obviously those who have inherited the presence of the enzyme in the follicle (men or women) will present earlier or later alopecia.

Disease progression aggravating role seems to play the psychological burden on the problem occurred. 5% of men 20 years before starting a symmetrical front of temporal thinning and slight loss along the front line (type I). In the third decade, there is a deterioration and partial loss peak (type II). With increasing age, the loss becomes stronger in both positions (type III). In type IV is combining the two positions and complete stripping of the parietal region. Finally the formula V remains only a peripheral zone of hair.

In women, androgenetic starts later and progresses more slowly. Initially the image is diffuse type dilution on top. The formula I developed at the age of 40 years, whereas types IV and V are extremely rare. The production of testosterone but may be increased so that it must be several times under hormonal controls. Sometimes it is simply from genetic predisposition, especially if the relatives of both parents have been troubledwith alopecia.

B) Alopecia areata (Alopecia Areata)

Mainly young people (five-30 years old) suffer from it and can coexist with various autoimmune diseases e.g. (vitiligo-psoriasis), although implicated heredity, endocrine and neuropsychiatric disorders. It first appears with one or more patches on the scalp or beard in men of a diameter of 1-5 centimeters. Hair is missing completely and the skin is smooth, whitish and soft with enlarged pores. It can occur in eyebrows and eyelashes. The prognosis and disease progression is not the same from patient to patient.

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