
Suvun leluaarteet

Vanhempani ovat olleet kaukaa viisaita, kun ovat säilyttäneet sekä minun että isosiskoni tärkeitä leluja. Ja mikä hienointa, joukossa on myös minun äitini vanha nukkekoti! Kävin jokunen kuukausi sitten tonkimassa vanhempieni häkkikellaria ja mitä aarteita sieltä löytyikään! Vanhojen lelujeni ja kirjojeni lisäksi siellä oli tallessa kyseinen ihana nukkekoti sekä siskoni vanhat taaperokärryt. Häkkikellarin perälle asti emme päässeet, joten pahvilaatikoiden uumenista saattaa löytyä vielä lisää aarteita.
Aarteisiin kuuluu vielä siskoni vanhat nukenvaunut. Ne saapuivat taloomme Inkan yksivuotissyntymäpäiville. Nukenvaunut ovat olleet lapsuuteni jälkeen siskoni tyttärellä eli kummitytölläni, mutta ovat edelleen yhtä hienossa kunnossa kuin ennenkin. Niistä on selkeästi pidetty hyvää huolta! Nukenvaunujen alkuperästä löytyy tarina, joka juontaa juurensa 70-luvun lopulle.

Äitini Olof-isä keräsi aikanaan postimerkkejä ja hänen kuoltuaan jäljelle jäi isot postimerkkikokoelmat. Isäni tutun vaimolla oli 70-luvulla lelukauppa. Vanhempani antoivat säkillisen irtonaisia postimerkkejä lelukauppiaalle ja kaupat oli tehty. Isosiskoni sai upeat punaiset nukenvaunut!

Vaunut ovat vielä kävelemään opettelevalle Inkalle aivan liian korkeat, mutta toivon niin kovasti näkeväni hänet työntelemässä näitä pihalla ja hiekkatiellä nukke kyydissä. Mummo antoi Inkalle syntymäpäivälahjaksi (muun muassa) nuken, joka Marjataksi nimettiin. Myös oman vanhan Viivi-nukkeni luovutan mielelläni tyttäreni leikkeihin.

Punaiset taaperokärryt ovat myös 70-luvun lopulta eli ne ovat myös isosiskolleni hankitut. Ne ostettiin kuulemma Hakaniemessä sijaitsevasta lelukaupasta. Inka työntelee niitä mielellään. Olemme laittaneet painoksi kaksi tiiliskiveä, jotteivät kärryt lähde ihan käsistä! Kynnysten ja matonreunojen yli saa vielä auttaa, mutta odotan kyllä innolla, kun likka hurjastelee niiden kanssa ihan omin voimin.

Myös kyytin päässyt nalle on isosiskoni vanha ja vähintään 70-luvun lopulta.

Kellarin uumenien hienoin aarre on nukkekoti. Äitini Olof-isä on tehnyt sen itse tyttärelleen 50-luvulla. Olof teki itse myös osan puisista kalusteista, mutta jotkut ovat aikojen saatossa hävinneet tai menneet rikki. Äitini äiti Ilmi sisusti nukkekodin ja alkuperäiset tapetit ja verhot ovat edelleen paikoillaan. Äitini hankki itse lapsena osan huonekaluista, mutta myös niitä on ajan hammas nakertanut. Nukkekodin matot ovat myös alkuperäisiä: äitini on kutonut ne itse pienillä kangaspuilla.

Nukkekodin alkuperäisistä asukkaista muutama on tallessa. Ihan parhaassa terässä eivät hekään enää ole. Emännältä näyttää olevan kaula katkeamassa ja yhden lapsen kädet ovat poikki ranteista alaspäin. Vain emäntä on vaatteissa, tosin hänen mekkonsa on revennyt. Mutta sen kyllä näkee, että paljon niillä on leikitty kuudessakymmenessä vuodessa!

Pienen talon kylpyhuoneessa on jonain vuosikymmenenä sattunut vesivahinko, joka on valitettavasti levinnyt myös keittiöön. Kylpyhuoneessa on mitä ilmeisimmin kylvetty oikeassa vedessä ja kylpyleikit ovat menneet hieman polskimiseksi. Luotan ajan kuivattaneen kosteusvauriot, koska mitään elävää pinnoilla ei näy...  Haaveenani on remontoida ja sisustaa talo uuteen uskoon kunnioittaen tietenkin isopapan ja isomummon käsityötä.

Nukkekoti on ollut Inkan huoneessa jo muutaman kuukauden. Saattaa mennä vielä monta vuotta ennen kuin raaskin antaa Inkan edes koskea koko nukkekotiin! Tänään hän sylissä ollessaan kovasti osoitteli sisustettua nukkekotia hokien "Kato, kato!", mutta äiti kiinnitti huomion toisaalle, ettei vaan tyttö vielä kiinnostuisi omasta leikkikalustaan liikaa...




Vanhempani ovat olleet kaukaa viisaita, kun ovat säilyttäneet sekä minun että isosiskoni tärkeitä leluja. Ja mikä hienointa, joukossa on myös minun äitini vanha nukkekoti! Kävin jokunen kuukausi sitten tonkimassa vanhempieni häkkikellaria ja mitä aarteita sieltä löytyikään! Vanhojen lelujeni ja kirjojeni lisäksi siellä oli tallessa kyseinen ihana nukkekoti sekä siskoni vanhat taaperokärryt. Häkkikellarin perälle asti emme päässeet, joten pahvilaatikoiden uumenista saattaa löytyä vielä lisää aarteita.
Aarteisiin kuuluu vielä siskoni vanhat nukenvaunut. Ne saapuivat taloomme Inkan yksivuotissyntymäpäiville. Nukenvaunut ovat olleet lapsuuteni jälkeen siskoni tyttärellä eli kummitytölläni, mutta ovat edelleen yhtä hienossa kunnossa kuin ennenkin. Niistä on selkeästi pidetty hyvää huolta! Nukenvaunujen alkuperästä löytyy tarina, joka juontaa juurensa 70-luvun lopulle.

Äitini Olof-isä keräsi aikanaan postimerkkejä ja hänen kuoltuaan jäljelle jäi isot postimerkkikokoelmat. Isäni tutun vaimolla oli 70-luvulla lelukauppa. Vanhempani antoivat säkillisen irtonaisia postimerkkejä lelukauppiaalle ja kaupat oli tehty. Isosiskoni sai upeat punaiset nukenvaunut!

Vaunut ovat vielä kävelemään opettelevalle Inkalle aivan liian korkeat, mutta toivon niin kovasti näkeväni hänet työntelemässä näitä pihalla ja hiekkatiellä nukke kyydissä. Mummo antoi Inkalle syntymäpäivälahjaksi (muun muassa) nuken, joka Marjataksi nimettiin. Myös oman vanhan Viivi-nukkeni luovutan mielelläni tyttäreni leikkeihin.

Punaiset taaperokärryt ovat myös 70-luvun lopulta eli ne ovat myös isosiskolleni hankitut. Ne ostettiin kuulemma Hakaniemessä sijaitsevasta lelukaupasta. Inka työntelee niitä mielellään. Olemme laittaneet painoksi kaksi tiiliskiveä, jotteivät kärryt lähde ihan käsistä! Kynnysten ja matonreunojen yli saa vielä auttaa, mutta odotan kyllä innolla, kun likka hurjastelee niiden kanssa ihan omin voimin.

Myös kyytin päässyt nalle on isosiskoni vanha ja vähintään 70-luvun lopulta.

Kellarin uumenien hienoin aarre on nukkekoti. Äitini Olof-isä on tehnyt sen itse tyttärelleen 50-luvulla. Olof teki itse myös osan puisista kalusteista, mutta jotkut ovat aikojen saatossa hävinneet tai menneet rikki. Äitini äiti Ilmi sisusti nukkekodin ja alkuperäiset tapetit ja verhot ovat edelleen paikoillaan. Äitini hankki itse lapsena osan huonekaluista, mutta myös niitä on ajan hammas nakertanut. Nukkekodin matot ovat myös alkuperäisiä: äitini on kutonut ne itse pienillä kangaspuilla.

Nukkekodin alkuperäisistä asukkaista muutama on tallessa. Ihan parhaassa terässä eivät hekään enää ole. Emännältä näyttää olevan kaula katkeamassa ja yhden lapsen kädet ovat poikki ranteista alaspäin. Vain emäntä on vaatteissa, tosin hänen mekkonsa on revennyt. Mutta sen kyllä näkee, että paljon niillä on leikitty kuudessakymmenessä vuodessa!

Pienen talon kylpyhuoneessa on jonain vuosikymmenenä sattunut vesivahinko, joka on valitettavasti levinnyt myös keittiöön. Kylpyhuoneessa on mitä ilmeisimmin kylvetty oikeassa vedessä ja kylpyleikit ovat menneet hieman polskimiseksi. Luotan ajan kuivattaneen kosteusvauriot, koska mitään elävää pinnoilla ei näy...  Haaveenani on remontoida ja sisustaa talo uuteen uskoon kunnioittaen tietenkin isopapan ja isomummon käsityötä.

Nukkekoti on ollut Inkan huoneessa jo muutaman kuukauden. Saattaa mennä vielä monta vuotta ennen kuin raaskin antaa Inkan edes koskea koko nukkekotiin! Tänään hän sylissä ollessaan kovasti osoitteli sisustettua nukkekotia hokien "Kato, kato!", mutta äiti kiinnitti huomion toisaalle, ettei vaan tyttö vielä kiinnostuisi omasta leikkikalustaan liikaa...




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Ensimmäistä kertaa sirkuksessa

Katujen varsilla näkyy silloin tällöin kylttejä kiertävistä sirkuksista, jotka parkkeeraavat jollekin pienelle urheilukentälle päiväksi pariksi. Olen joskus harkinnut meneväni sellaiseen, mutta emmäsitkuitenkaa... Joskus olen saanut päähäni, että sirkukset olisivat jotenkin epäeettisiä ja eläinten kohtelu olisi jotenkin epäilyttävää. Jotenkin olen myös toivonut pääseväni katsomaan jotain oikeaa ja isoa sirkusta, mutta niiden lippujen hinnat ovat hieman toista luokkaa kuin näiden lähiösirkusten.
Nyt päiviäni valaisee pieni kaveri, joka alkaa pikkuhiljaa tajuta kulttuurin ja sirkushuvien päälle. Itsehän olen kulttuurin suurkuluttaja, öhh. Äitikaveri naapurista (sieltä muutaman kilsan päästä) oli myös bongannut katujen varsilla sirkuskylttejä ja ehdotti yhteistä kulttuuririentoa. Pakkasimme tänään kolme lasta takapenkille ja ajoimme Vantaan Rajakylään, jossa Sirkus Florentino esiintyi. (Missasimme lähikentällä olleen esityksen, kun kotiäideillä meni vähän päivät ja numerot sekaisin...)
Tämän päivän sirkusta kuvaisin sanoilla sympaattinen ja jokseenkin nukkavieru. Kokemus oli kuitenkin positiivinen, vaikka joidenkin eläinnumeroiden kohdalla teki mieli laittaa silmät kiinni. Lankkukatsomo ei ollut ehkä mukavimmasta päästä. Metrin päässä ollut aitio muovisine ja pehmustettuine terassituoleineen olisi saattanut olla miellyttävämpi istua, mutta lankkukatsomossa minulla oli mahdollisuus laskea kyllästyvä ja kaikesta muusta kiinnostunut taapero hiekkaiselle käytävälle hengailemaan.

Inkaa sirkuksessa kiinnosti ennen kaikkea hiekkamaan pikkukivet ja seurueen pikkupojan vilkkuva ja kieppuva valohässäkkälelu. Itse esityksistä häntä taisi kiinnostaa ohjelmanumerot, joissa oli mukana koiria. Yllättävän hyvin tyttö kyllä jaksoi istua sylissä ja seurata esityksiä. Muutaman kerran hän vönkyröi maahan, mutta viimeistään kun valaistusta laitettiin hämärämmäksi esitysten välissä halusi likka kavuta taas syliin. Myös seurueen nuorin (lähes 9-kuinen) jaksoi seurata menoa ja meininkiä vallan mainiosti.
Itseäni kiehtoi ilma-akrobatiaesitykset, jotka näyttävät niin hämmästyttävän helpoilta ja kepeiltä. Siellä ne vaan liitelivät nauhojen ja metallihäkkyrän varassa. Harmillista dramatiikkaakin oli matkassa, kun yksi naisesiintyjä loukkasi jalkansa heti esityksen alussa. Hänen oli tarkoitus esitellä jalkajonglöörausta sekä tasapainoilua trapetsilla.

Näytösten välissä oli pieni tauko, jolloin käppäilimme sirkusalueella. Pihalla sai käydä ihastelemassa kamelia, dromedaaria, laamoja/alpakoita, pieniä poneja, papukaijaa ja komeita valkoisia kissoja. Tauolla oli mahdollisuus myös ratsastaa pienellä ponilla. Lisämaksua vastaan oli tarjolla myös pomppulinnaa ja possujunaa.

Mikä ihaninta, nauroin monta kertaa aivan vilpittömästi! Se taitaa olla yksi sirkuksen pääpointeistakin... Minut saivat nauramaan Klovni Florin temput sekä "tilannekomiikka" esimerkiksi silloin, kun esiintyjä keräsi roskia lattialta ja koira kävi salaa kaatamassa roskiksen. Kyllä emäntää hihitytti! Klovnin viimeinen taikatemppu - levitaatio - oli kyllä vertaansa vailla! Hän keräsi yleisöstä neljä miestä ja asetti heidät jakkaroille istumaan. He nojautuivat taaksepäin toistensa reisiä vasten. Klovni nappasi jakkarat miesten peppujen alta ja tadaa! Ilmassa leijuvat miehet!


Katujen varsilla näkyy silloin tällöin kylttejä kiertävistä sirkuksista, jotka parkkeeraavat jollekin pienelle urheilukentälle päiväksi pariksi. Olen joskus harkinnut meneväni sellaiseen, mutta emmäsitkuitenkaa... Joskus olen saanut päähäni, että sirkukset olisivat jotenkin epäeettisiä ja eläinten kohtelu olisi jotenkin epäilyttävää. Jotenkin olen myös toivonut pääseväni katsomaan jotain oikeaa ja isoa sirkusta, mutta niiden lippujen hinnat ovat hieman toista luokkaa kuin näiden lähiösirkusten.
Nyt päiviäni valaisee pieni kaveri, joka alkaa pikkuhiljaa tajuta kulttuurin ja sirkushuvien päälle. Itsehän olen kulttuurin suurkuluttaja, öhh. Äitikaveri naapurista (sieltä muutaman kilsan päästä) oli myös bongannut katujen varsilla sirkuskylttejä ja ehdotti yhteistä kulttuuririentoa. Pakkasimme tänään kolme lasta takapenkille ja ajoimme Vantaan Rajakylään, jossa Sirkus Florentino esiintyi. (Missasimme lähikentällä olleen esityksen, kun kotiäideillä meni vähän päivät ja numerot sekaisin...)
Tämän päivän sirkusta kuvaisin sanoilla sympaattinen ja jokseenkin nukkavieru. Kokemus oli kuitenkin positiivinen, vaikka joidenkin eläinnumeroiden kohdalla teki mieli laittaa silmät kiinni. Lankkukatsomo ei ollut ehkä mukavimmasta päästä. Metrin päässä ollut aitio muovisine ja pehmustettuine terassituoleineen olisi saattanut olla miellyttävämpi istua, mutta lankkukatsomossa minulla oli mahdollisuus laskea kyllästyvä ja kaikesta muusta kiinnostunut taapero hiekkaiselle käytävälle hengailemaan.

Inkaa sirkuksessa kiinnosti ennen kaikkea hiekkamaan pikkukivet ja seurueen pikkupojan vilkkuva ja kieppuva valohässäkkälelu. Itse esityksistä häntä taisi kiinnostaa ohjelmanumerot, joissa oli mukana koiria. Yllättävän hyvin tyttö kyllä jaksoi istua sylissä ja seurata esityksiä. Muutaman kerran hän vönkyröi maahan, mutta viimeistään kun valaistusta laitettiin hämärämmäksi esitysten välissä halusi likka kavuta taas syliin. Myös seurueen nuorin (lähes 9-kuinen) jaksoi seurata menoa ja meininkiä vallan mainiosti.
Itseäni kiehtoi ilma-akrobatiaesitykset, jotka näyttävät niin hämmästyttävän helpoilta ja kepeiltä. Siellä ne vaan liitelivät nauhojen ja metallihäkkyrän varassa. Harmillista dramatiikkaakin oli matkassa, kun yksi naisesiintyjä loukkasi jalkansa heti esityksen alussa. Hänen oli tarkoitus esitellä jalkajonglöörausta sekä tasapainoilua trapetsilla.

Näytösten välissä oli pieni tauko, jolloin käppäilimme sirkusalueella. Pihalla sai käydä ihastelemassa kamelia, dromedaaria, laamoja/alpakoita, pieniä poneja, papukaijaa ja komeita valkoisia kissoja. Tauolla oli mahdollisuus myös ratsastaa pienellä ponilla. Lisämaksua vastaan oli tarjolla myös pomppulinnaa ja possujunaa.

Mikä ihaninta, nauroin monta kertaa aivan vilpittömästi! Se taitaa olla yksi sirkuksen pääpointeistakin... Minut saivat nauramaan Klovni Florin temput sekä "tilannekomiikka" esimerkiksi silloin, kun esiintyjä keräsi roskia lattialta ja koira kävi salaa kaatamassa roskiksen. Kyllä emäntää hihitytti! Klovnin viimeinen taikatemppu - levitaatio - oli kyllä vertaansa vailla! Hän keräsi yleisöstä neljä miestä ja asetti heidät jakkaroille istumaan. He nojautuivat taaksepäin toistensa reisiä vasten. Klovni nappasi jakkarat miesten peppujen alta ja tadaa! Ilmassa leijuvat miehet!


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Reduction in New York-the important things to know about reducing hair hair

If you mean going through hairline, lower in New York, you can no doubt already do some preliminary research. However, there are a few things that I miss a lot of people, when looking at this topic, as well as some common misconceptions. Here are some key facts and consider before you have the procedure done lowering hair.

First, there are a few misconceptions about how hair reduction works. Reduction in hair is the same as the forehead reduction surgery. Many people think that the reduction of hair is cheaper and less drastic, but in fact they are the same. The actual cost and time that go into the procedure are determined by the amount of reduction in the needs, as well as factors such as the elasticity of the skin of the head. Many people also don't realize that hair reduction can be single-or two-stage procedure; If the skin of the head is flexible and significantly lowering is not needed, it will be one stage of the procedure.

Many people also don't realize that the shock of hair loss sometimes can occur after surgery to reduce. In this case, can fall out of the lowest hair along the top, but it is temporary. patients can expect reduced hair grow within three months. Patients expect a drastic and guaranteed great results can be a little disappointed, but you will not have to wait long for their hair grow back fully. Patients may also experience some numbness in the skin of the scalp for a longer period of time, but the effect should wear after half a year. Preferably infections in the procedures that apply to the scalp are very rare, so this is one thing that patients do not have to worry about before getting your hair cut in New York.

Technically speaking, any cosmetic surgeon can perform hair reduction. Many people believe that if the surgeon, he or she must have some special or certification in it. Because this is not the case, patients need to especially careful you do your research on clinics offers hair cut in New York. Patients should look at before-and-after photos, as well as reviews from previous customers. Finally, it is interesting to know, if you think about other treatments, and if the doctor has experience in these as well. For example, people who are considering having complementary operations, such as the eyebrows can benefit from having both treatments performed at the same time.

Here are a few useful things to know about the hair cut in New York. If you are looking for to have the procedure done, it is important that you are thorough in doing your research in advance, so that you can understand what you're getting into, and make sure that finding the best clinic.

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Reduction in New York-the important things to know about hair LoweringNot hair resubmit

Bobby Roberts published 31 articles. Article submitted on August 16, 2013. Word Count: 456

There are so many anti-aging products on the market that is very disturbing. So rather than spend hundreds of trying different products, you need to narrow down your selection and find a solution most suitable for you. Here are 5 things to know about anti aging skin care products.

Written by: Bruno Vigneault

Each strives to look good. However, it is beautiful, sometimes it is a difficult process. Could not get the beauty in a moment. It requires a lot of hard work, patience, and the right attitude to be a quite a long time dreaming.

Written by: Usman Akhtar

Each month, breasts women go through a series of temporary changes related to menstruation, including the possibility of making corrections. Although most of these lumps are not cancerous, any of them should be tested directly.

Written by: Stefania Constantin

Your hair is perhaps your most notable feature, especially if you're a woman. While women spend a lot of time and money on their hair, there are a lot of things that most of them do not know about their hair.

Written by: Mohit M Jain

This post was made using the Auto Blogging Software from This line will not appear when posts are made after activating the software to full version.

If you mean going through hairline, lower in New York, you can no doubt already do some preliminary research. However, there are a few things that I miss a lot of people, when looking at this topic, as well as some common misconceptions. Here are some key facts and consider before you have the procedure done lowering hair.

First, there are a few misconceptions about how hair reduction works. Reduction in hair is the same as the forehead reduction surgery. Many people think that the reduction of hair is cheaper and less drastic, but in fact they are the same. The actual cost and time that go into the procedure are determined by the amount of reduction in the needs, as well as factors such as the elasticity of the skin of the head. Many people also don't realize that hair reduction can be single-or two-stage procedure; If the skin of the head is flexible and significantly lowering is not needed, it will be one stage of the procedure.

Many people also don't realize that the shock of hair loss sometimes can occur after surgery to reduce. In this case, can fall out of the lowest hair along the top, but it is temporary. patients can expect reduced hair grow within three months. Patients expect a drastic and guaranteed great results can be a little disappointed, but you will not have to wait long for their hair grow back fully. Patients may also experience some numbness in the skin of the scalp for a longer period of time, but the effect should wear after half a year. Preferably infections in the procedures that apply to the scalp are very rare, so this is one thing that patients do not have to worry about before getting your hair cut in New York.

Technically speaking, any cosmetic surgeon can perform hair reduction. Many people believe that if the surgeon, he or she must have some special or certification in it. Because this is not the case, patients need to especially careful you do your research on clinics offers hair cut in New York. Patients should look at before-and-after photos, as well as reviews from previous customers. Finally, it is interesting to know, if you think about other treatments, and if the doctor has experience in these as well. For example, people who are considering having complementary operations, such as the eyebrows can benefit from having both treatments performed at the same time.

Here are a few useful things to know about the hair cut in New York. If you are looking for to have the procedure done, it is important that you are thorough in doing your research in advance, so that you can understand what you're getting into, and make sure that finding the best clinic.

Rate this article

Reduction in New York-the important things to know about hair LoweringNot hair resubmit

Bobby Roberts published 31 articles. Article submitted on August 16, 2013. Word Count: 456

There are so many anti-aging products on the market that is very disturbing. So rather than spend hundreds of trying different products, you need to narrow down your selection and find a solution most suitable for you. Here are 5 things to know about anti aging skin care products.

Written by: Bruno Vigneault

Each strives to look good. However, it is beautiful, sometimes it is a difficult process. Could not get the beauty in a moment. It requires a lot of hard work, patience, and the right attitude to be a quite a long time dreaming.

Written by: Usman Akhtar

Each month, breasts women go through a series of temporary changes related to menstruation, including the possibility of making corrections. Although most of these lumps are not cancerous, any of them should be tested directly.

Written by: Stefania Constantin

Your hair is perhaps your most notable feature, especially if you're a woman. While women spend a lot of time and money on their hair, there are a lot of things that most of them do not know about their hair.

Written by: Mohit M Jain

This post was made using the Auto Blogging Software from This line will not appear when posts are made after activating the software to full version.

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Synttärisankarin juhlamekko

Jossain aiemmassa postauksessa taisin (itselleni) luvata, että minun on ommeltava itse tyttäreni yksivuotissyntymäpäivämekko. Ja niin tein. Mekko valmistui lopulta parissa illassa ja jopa muutama päivä ennen juhlia! Sain mekossa käyttämäni kankaan ystävältäni Ananakselta lahjaksi. Muistaakseni sileä puuvillakangas oli Marimekon, mutta en löytänyt kuosia heidän kokoelmistaan. Muistatko Ananas mistä kangas olikaan peräisin? Kankaassa ei sinänsä ole erityistä kuosia vaan siinä vaihtelevat oranssin, keltaisen ja pinkin sävyt.
Mekko näyttää kauempaa katsottuna siltä, että se on tehty kolmesta erivärisestä kankaasta, mutta kaikki osat ovat tosiaan samasta palasta. Lähempää tarkasteltuna huomaa sävyjen vaihtelun ennen saumoja. Helman pitsi on Inkan äidinäidinäidin (eli isoisoäidin) virkkaama ja näin pitsi pääsi paraatipaikalle kaapin perukoilta.
En käyttänyt mekkoon minkäänlaisia kaavoja vaan otin mallia Inkan kahdesta muusta mekosta. Tein mekosta tarkoituksella lyhyen, koska konttaaminen olisi ollut kovin hankalaa pidemmän helman kanssa. Mekon alle jouduin harmillisesti laittamaan lyhythihaisen t-paidan, koska ilman sitä Inka veulasi mekkoa ylösalaisin. Monet saumat ilmeisesti kutittivat pehmeään puuvillatrikooseen tottunutta hipiää.
Mekko oli minun yksivuotislahjani Inkalle. Katsotaan tuleeko juhlamekkojen ompelusta perinne. Ainakin omien juhlamekkojeni ompelusta on tullut. Termit perinne ja pakkomielle eivät tässä tapauksessa ole kovin kaukana toisistaan... Tuleviin ystävien syyshäihin on jo kankaat ostettuina, sormet syyhyävät päästä niihin käsiksi!


Jossain aiemmassa postauksessa taisin (itselleni) luvata, että minun on ommeltava itse tyttäreni yksivuotissyntymäpäivämekko. Ja niin tein. Mekko valmistui lopulta parissa illassa ja jopa muutama päivä ennen juhlia! Sain mekossa käyttämäni kankaan ystävältäni Ananakselta lahjaksi. Muistaakseni sileä puuvillakangas oli Marimekon, mutta en löytänyt kuosia heidän kokoelmistaan. Muistatko Ananas mistä kangas olikaan peräisin? Kankaassa ei sinänsä ole erityistä kuosia vaan siinä vaihtelevat oranssin, keltaisen ja pinkin sävyt.
Mekko näyttää kauempaa katsottuna siltä, että se on tehty kolmesta erivärisestä kankaasta, mutta kaikki osat ovat tosiaan samasta palasta. Lähempää tarkasteltuna huomaa sävyjen vaihtelun ennen saumoja. Helman pitsi on Inkan äidinäidinäidin (eli isoisoäidin) virkkaama ja näin pitsi pääsi paraatipaikalle kaapin perukoilta.
En käyttänyt mekkoon minkäänlaisia kaavoja vaan otin mallia Inkan kahdesta muusta mekosta. Tein mekosta tarkoituksella lyhyen, koska konttaaminen olisi ollut kovin hankalaa pidemmän helman kanssa. Mekon alle jouduin harmillisesti laittamaan lyhythihaisen t-paidan, koska ilman sitä Inka veulasi mekkoa ylösalaisin. Monet saumat ilmeisesti kutittivat pehmeään puuvillatrikooseen tottunutta hipiää.
Mekko oli minun yksivuotislahjani Inkalle. Katsotaan tuleeko juhlamekkojen ompelusta perinne. Ainakin omien juhlamekkojeni ompelusta on tullut. Termit perinne ja pakkomielle eivät tässä tapauksessa ole kovin kaukana toisistaan... Tuleviin ystävien syyshäihin on jo kankaat ostettuina, sormet syyhyävät päästä niihin käsiksi!


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Hair growth treatment does not go with the myths about baldness!

Search for fast hair growth treatment that gives the best results is usually difficult to achieve. Rapid growth of hair is desirable for very many people, both men and women all over the world. Long hair nourishment is a symbol of health and well-being. A lot of people it's an image of luxury and magnificence. For some people they are really religious and spiritual of the strategy behind the concept of long hair and cutting them short. Explore the great fast hair growth treatment is usually relevant to many people and for these reasons.

In the old days, there weren't many options for waste of all. hairs is a problem that is difficult for many people to face. The main is, you may not know how to stop their hair with thinning or falling. loss is due to the condition of our scalp and majorly occurs in mid-age. Start the process of thinning hair, which ultimately leads to partial baldness, and, in some cases, complete baldness. Natural hair growth treatment can help stop the thread from excessive shedding. It's important To first find out why is thinning hair. This will make it easier to find out what treatments should be used.

Now days, with the advancement of technology and the development of science, hair growth treatment are run successfully help people with re-growth or implants. Many times people are said that hair loss is genetic, but that doesn't mean you have to come to terms with the fact that soon they will have no hair. Many Salon hair products available in the market can help you keep your thick healthy hair or help with her re-growth. One of the main causes of hair loss is stress and hair styling. Some hair growth treatment are dietary supplements, weaving hair, gel and shampoos.

Thinning hair can also be caused by repetitive use of perms, straightening, styling gels and other hair products that contain harsh chemicals. These tapes from the structure of the thread, so weak. Heat from the dryers, curling irons and flat irons can also damage the threads and lead to excessive shedding of hair. Olive oil can be used as a treatment for hair growth to replace the oils and proteins lose the thread during the process of stacking. A good multi vitamin can be used as a treatment for hair growth because it will ensure that the threads are getting the right vitamins and nutrients to grow.

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Hair growth treatment does not go with the myths about baldness!Not rated yet

Michle Ada has published 104 articles. Article submitted on August 13, 2013. Word Count: 421

If you are looking for hair loss products, which could help keep your locks, it is very important to keep a few important things in mind. Is one of those things you never let emotions get in the way of a decision. Of course, this is something that is easier said than done, but you.

Written by: Emma Marshall

Leimo hair treatment Pack includes local products from natural, but extremely powerful anti DHT formulas that are easy to use and have no side effects. All this work is my routine.

Written by: Nathalia Perske

If you have sensitive skin, even homemade packages can cause allergies or irritant reactions. Not all skin types are similar.

Written by: Dr. John Smith

If you are a victim of the disease hair loss, no matter what it is, either you're men or women choose clinic offers hair transplant for women in India.

Written by: Sumit Dawas

Search for fast hair growth treatment that gives the best results is usually difficult to achieve. Rapid growth of hair is desirable for very many people, both men and women all over the world. Long hair nourishment is a symbol of health and well-being. A lot of people it's an image of luxury and magnificence. For some people they are really religious and spiritual of the strategy behind the concept of long hair and cutting them short. Explore the great fast hair growth treatment is usually relevant to many people and for these reasons.

In the old days, there weren't many options for waste of all. hairs is a problem that is difficult for many people to face. The main is, you may not know how to stop their hair with thinning or falling. loss is due to the condition of our scalp and majorly occurs in mid-age. Start the process of thinning hair, which ultimately leads to partial baldness, and, in some cases, complete baldness. Natural hair growth treatment can help stop the thread from excessive shedding. It's important To first find out why is thinning hair. This will make it easier to find out what treatments should be used.

Now days, with the advancement of technology and the development of science, hair growth treatment are run successfully help people with re-growth or implants. Many times people are said that hair loss is genetic, but that doesn't mean you have to come to terms with the fact that soon they will have no hair. Many Salon hair products available in the market can help you keep your thick healthy hair or help with her re-growth. One of the main causes of hair loss is stress and hair styling. Some hair growth treatment are dietary supplements, weaving hair, gel and shampoos.

Thinning hair can also be caused by repetitive use of perms, straightening, styling gels and other hair products that contain harsh chemicals. These tapes from the structure of the thread, so weak. Heat from the dryers, curling irons and flat irons can also damage the threads and lead to excessive shedding of hair. Olive oil can be used as a treatment for hair growth to replace the oils and proteins lose the thread during the process of stacking. A good multi vitamin can be used as a treatment for hair growth because it will ensure that the threads are getting the right vitamins and nutrients to grow.

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Hair growth treatment does not go with the myths about baldness!Not rated yet

Michle Ada has published 104 articles. Article submitted on August 13, 2013. Word Count: 421

If you are looking for hair loss products, which could help keep your locks, it is very important to keep a few important things in mind. Is one of those things you never let emotions get in the way of a decision. Of course, this is something that is easier said than done, but you.

Written by: Emma Marshall

Leimo hair treatment Pack includes local products from natural, but extremely powerful anti DHT formulas that are easy to use and have no side effects. All this work is my routine.

Written by: Nathalia Perske

If you have sensitive skin, even homemade packages can cause allergies or irritant reactions. Not all skin types are similar.

Written by: Dr. John Smith

If you are a victim of the disease hair loss, no matter what it is, either you're men or women choose clinic offers hair transplant for women in India.

Written by: Sumit Dawas

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Ethically sourcing wigs and hair pieces

Are you interested in buying man wig – but in particular the European wig? Did you know that the nature of European and you can follow the fibers back to its original owner? Well with all the human hair wigs in Bloomsbury in London-you can, thanks to our unique procedure, which ensures that all our European wigs and hair pieces have been ethically sourced.

By ethically sourcing our European wigs and all our wigs, Bloomsbury in London sets the program allows you to make sure that we can contribute in any way to the exorbitant operation in the hair;

Most European pieces and almost all Asian wigs and human hair wig available on the market today are not ethically sourced. It is not unusual for women have been forced to sell their threads, then announced that participate in religious rite, the truth is their hair is shaved in wigs, human wigs production company full profit of this shameful act.

However, ethically sourced European wigs in Bloomsbury in London (and also our Asian human wigs) are not related to this kind of exploitation in the slightest. In fact, the way that we buy ethically our materials may not be otherwise.

Procedures for the unique collections in Bloomsbury in London is a unique service which willing donors their ponytails to cut out and send them to the company (or their locks lower in our luxurious lounge shop). By surrounding their full information on hair, sent to the company, we are able to send donors a full cash prizes for their kind donations.

We believe in not only ethically sourcing our moral fibre to justice, but also because of our part of Europe and supply ethically wigs, we are able to trace the original owner and determine the full nature of the hair. We can be aware of the history of the fiber, or if it has been previously chemically treated or colored, and we know that his properties, for example, if it is a natural straight or curly.

We believe that ethically sourcing our human wigs is the only way to deliver the highest quality product and the best possible product is essential for our valued customers. So as to get more info on our ethically sourced human wigs, visit our website today!

Are you interested in buying man wig – but in particular the European wig? Did you know that the nature of European and you can follow the fibers back to its original owner? Well with all the human hair wigs in Bloomsbury in London-you can, thanks to our unique procedure, which ensures that all our European wigs and hair pieces have been ethically sourced.

By ethically sourcing our European wigs and all our wigs, Bloomsbury in London sets the program allows you to make sure that we can contribute in any way to the exorbitant operation in the hair;

Most European pieces and almost all Asian wigs and human hair wig available on the market today are not ethically sourced. It is not unusual for women have been forced to sell their threads, then announced that participate in religious rite, the truth is their hair is shaved in wigs, human wigs production company full profit of this shameful act.

However, ethically sourced European wigs in Bloomsbury in London (and also our Asian human wigs) are not related to this kind of exploitation in the slightest. In fact, the way that we buy ethically our materials may not be otherwise.

Procedures for the unique collections in Bloomsbury in London is a unique service which willing donors their ponytails to cut out and send them to the company (or their locks lower in our luxurious lounge shop). By surrounding their full information on hair, sent to the company, we are able to send donors a full cash prizes for their kind donations.

We believe in not only ethically sourcing our moral fibre to justice, but also because of our part of Europe and supply ethically wigs, we are able to trace the original owner and determine the full nature of the hair. We can be aware of the history of the fiber, or if it has been previously chemically treated or colored, and we know that his properties, for example, if it is a natural straight or curly.

We believe that ethically sourcing our human wigs is the only way to deliver the highest quality product and the best possible product is essential for our valued customers. So as to get more info on our ethically sourced human wigs, visit our website today!

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Hair growth products-select with care

Hair loss is the most ordinary experience that men and women stand in the life of the Prime Minister. First of all, it's very frustrating because no one likes to lose his or her hair. Secondly, countless hair growth products present on the market with claims about their ability to treat hair loss. When purchasing products for hair growth, make sure that the products should be based on natural products. Your hair is alive and in need of proper food and when it comes to your hair, the better to take vitamins and minerals that will help with hair growth, as well as the vitality of hair.

In the crowd of hair growth, there are only a few of them are very effective. You can avoid falling into the trap of using nature-based products. Some of them are more expensive than others and some that make more claims as well. Whether it is to combat hair loss, or just because people want her hair longer, thicker, more luxurious, a huge percentage of men and women looking for hair growth products.

Depending on your affordability one single expensive product or something that fits in your pocket size, but does not compromise on the quality of the product. You can find alternative hair growth products, which will not pose a threat to health.

Now a days, natural treatment that receives a lot of attention is biotin. Biotin is also known as vitamin B7 supports a variety of functions in the body, including the hair growth. It helps the body in the production of proteins to nourish. Consequently, Biton plays an important role in the growth of the hair. Some good sources of biotin are eggs, wheat germ, cauliflower, Brewer, liver and oats.

Dietary supplements are an alternative form of hair growth products that can be consumed by people who suffer from the lack of the basics of their diet. When a person is not able to take food that is healthy, consisting of the necessary components such as proteins, fiber, fats, vitamins and minerals, and then they can be referred to from dietary supplements to help their bodies like anything is missing.

Hair growth products to be chemical free and have the right amount of nutrients and proteins needed by the bubbles in order to get the necessary vitamin enriched. This will help stimulate your hair growth and improves blood circulation in the scalp. Herbs and natural products for hair growth works well, with the exception of take a little longer to see results.

Hair loss is the most ordinary experience that men and women stand in the life of the Prime Minister. First of all, it's very frustrating because no one likes to lose his or her hair. Secondly, countless hair growth products present on the market with claims about their ability to treat hair loss. When purchasing products for hair growth, make sure that the products should be based on natural products. Your hair is alive and in need of proper food and when it comes to your hair, the better to take vitamins and minerals that will help with hair growth, as well as the vitality of hair.

In the crowd of hair growth, there are only a few of them are very effective. You can avoid falling into the trap of using nature-based products. Some of them are more expensive than others and some that make more claims as well. Whether it is to combat hair loss, or just because people want her hair longer, thicker, more luxurious, a huge percentage of men and women looking for hair growth products.

Depending on your affordability one single expensive product or something that fits in your pocket size, but does not compromise on the quality of the product. You can find alternative hair growth products, which will not pose a threat to health.

Now a days, natural treatment that receives a lot of attention is biotin. Biotin is also known as vitamin B7 supports a variety of functions in the body, including the hair growth. It helps the body in the production of proteins to nourish. Consequently, Biton plays an important role in the growth of the hair. Some good sources of biotin are eggs, wheat germ, cauliflower, Brewer, liver and oats.

Dietary supplements are an alternative form of hair growth products that can be consumed by people who suffer from the lack of the basics of their diet. When a person is not able to take food that is healthy, consisting of the necessary components such as proteins, fiber, fats, vitamins and minerals, and then they can be referred to from dietary supplements to help their bodies like anything is missing.

Hair growth products to be chemical free and have the right amount of nutrients and proteins needed by the bubbles in order to get the necessary vitamin enriched. This will help stimulate your hair growth and improves blood circulation in the scalp. Herbs and natural products for hair growth works well, with the exception of take a little longer to see results.

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Fibre Hair Extensions is Good Looking and Attractive

This is the world of newer fashion, and it you want to get it you have to be careful to your locks. This something that makes a woman and girls extra ordinary beautiful. If you want to get attention to all people of the party or occasion, you have to careful to your locks. If you are not aware of the locks and its style, you cannot get the extra attention to the other people. Men like the locks of woman and this is also the main point of attraction. Surprisingly, most of the woman and girls are not so attentive to the world to their style. This is the reason, you will be able to get attractive look if you have some attractive rippling locks of golden color with the fibre hair extensions. If you do not have this kinds of beauty, the facial beautify will not attract to men so much. So, you will be able to get attention of others if you have locks.

For this reason, the modern science is making various kinds of fibers. Now you will get so improved hair fibre extensions that you will not be able to understand that this is a kind of hair strand of artificial kind. So, for getting the attractive look, you will get lots of kind of hair in the online and offline stores. For getting a best and attractive looking you have to consult about the matter with the hair specialist of you. If he permits you can take it whenever you want, if you have some set matching to your hair and facial color, you can take it.

Hair is not all for your style. If the artificial locks does not match to your face and facial color, you will look odd. So, for this, you have to take the help of the hair designer and some experts. After all you are the best judge of all things that the locks will suit you or not. Then if you think that the particular kinds of hair will suit to you, you can purchase it. You will get various kinds of length,style, color and shapes. You have to choose these kinds of locks for your head. These kinds of fiber hair extension are available in all sizes and shapes. So, you can get more than one to wear it in various occasions. So, for the best looking style you can get these kinds of fiber hair extensions.

Harris Powell has been associated with the hair industry and has experience in the hair extension field. He is a renowned writer and has written numerous blogs and articles on hair fall, advantage of hair extensions and various other hair related topics. For more information please visit here fibre hair extensions And clip in hair extensions . Rate this Article

Fibre Hair Extensions is Good Looking and AttractiveNot Rated Yet

Harris Powell has published 3 articles. Article submitted on July 22, 2013. Word count: 409

Choosing the best hair loss products in the big market can be very confusing and depressing. This is why it is quite imperative to seek professional help and ask for assistance in picking the accurate product for your hair loss problem.

Written by: Emma Marshall

I could not remember exactly when I started losing my hair, I just found out my hair was thinning and I was partially bald one day. I am not as good-looking as Vin Diesel or Bruce Willis who can flawlessly sport a bald look, so I decided to try the Leimo Free Trial here in United Kingdom.

Written by: Mariel Elvis Uy

Use quality hair products and follow proper hair care regime that helps in aiding you with beautiful hair curing the baldness. Surgical and non-surgical hair transplantation surgery can stop the tresses to fall from, but weighing up the pros and cons is other important aspect to be taken care of.

Written by: Naveen Kumar Jain

If you have done everything you thought was right about caring for your hair and you still cannot see a difference in hair growth, you may want to look at your hair problem from a different perspective.

Written by: Mohit M Jain

This is the world of newer fashion, and it you want to get it you have to be careful to your locks. This something that makes a woman and girls extra ordinary beautiful. If you want to get attention to all people of the party or occasion, you have to careful to your locks. If you are not aware of the locks and its style, you cannot get the extra attention to the other people. Men like the locks of woman and this is also the main point of attraction. Surprisingly, most of the woman and girls are not so attentive to the world to their style. This is the reason, you will be able to get attractive look if you have some attractive rippling locks of golden color with the fibre hair extensions. If you do not have this kinds of beauty, the facial beautify will not attract to men so much. So, you will be able to get attention of others if you have locks.

For this reason, the modern science is making various kinds of fibers. Now you will get so improved hair fibre extensions that you will not be able to understand that this is a kind of hair strand of artificial kind. So, for getting the attractive look, you will get lots of kind of hair in the online and offline stores. For getting a best and attractive looking you have to consult about the matter with the hair specialist of you. If he permits you can take it whenever you want, if you have some set matching to your hair and facial color, you can take it.

Hair is not all for your style. If the artificial locks does not match to your face and facial color, you will look odd. So, for this, you have to take the help of the hair designer and some experts. After all you are the best judge of all things that the locks will suit you or not. Then if you think that the particular kinds of hair will suit to you, you can purchase it. You will get various kinds of length,style, color and shapes. You have to choose these kinds of locks for your head. These kinds of fiber hair extension are available in all sizes and shapes. So, you can get more than one to wear it in various occasions. So, for the best looking style you can get these kinds of fiber hair extensions.

Harris Powell has been associated with the hair industry and has experience in the hair extension field. He is a renowned writer and has written numerous blogs and articles on hair fall, advantage of hair extensions and various other hair related topics. For more information please visit here fibre hair extensions And clip in hair extensions . Rate this Article

Fibre Hair Extensions is Good Looking and AttractiveNot Rated Yet

Harris Powell has published 3 articles. Article submitted on July 22, 2013. Word count: 409

Choosing the best hair loss products in the big market can be very confusing and depressing. This is why it is quite imperative to seek professional help and ask for assistance in picking the accurate product for your hair loss problem.

Written by: Emma Marshall

I could not remember exactly when I started losing my hair, I just found out my hair was thinning and I was partially bald one day. I am not as good-looking as Vin Diesel or Bruce Willis who can flawlessly sport a bald look, so I decided to try the Leimo Free Trial here in United Kingdom.

Written by: Mariel Elvis Uy

Use quality hair products and follow proper hair care regime that helps in aiding you with beautiful hair curing the baldness. Surgical and non-surgical hair transplantation surgery can stop the tresses to fall from, but weighing up the pros and cons is other important aspect to be taken care of.

Written by: Naveen Kumar Jain

If you have done everything you thought was right about caring for your hair and you still cannot see a difference in hair growth, you may want to look at your hair problem from a different perspective.

Written by: Mohit M Jain

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Effective Techniques for Stopping Hair Loss

Many people consider hair loss to be a disappointing experience. The condition can greatly affect a person's self-esteem. A variety of factors can cause this problem including hereditary, pregnancy, diet, environmental and hormonal changes. Luckily, there are several solutions for this that can help.

A Healthy Diet: People who do not consume the correct amount of nutrients can have this loss problems . Everyone needs to consume healthy fats along with sufficient amounts of Vitamins E, A and C. Omega 3 Fatty Acids found in walnuts, fish, mustard and cold pressed olive oil help the body absorb these vitamins for stronger and healthy.

Manage Stress: Another effective technique in preventing hair loss is managing stress. Emotional and physical stress can sometimes increase this loss . When facing a stressful situation, people should try relaxation techniques such as deep breathing and meditation to calm their nerves.

Head Massage: Massaging the scalp for a few minutes daily is a very effective hair loss treatment. This helps stimulate circulation. Good circulation in the scalp keeps a person's follicles very active. Circulation can also be improved by utilizing a few drops of bay essential oil or lavender in a sesame or almond oil base.

Hair Replacement Products: Trying a hair replacement product is also a good way to prevent this loss. These products are created from 100 percent human hair and are undetectable to even the most observant eye. A number of these products are also designed for specific individuals and their unique needs. At the same time, they are an ideal customized solution for people with thinning hair as they are actually integrated into their existing .

Drink Plenty of Water Every Day: To prevent this people should drink at least 10 to 14 eight ounce glasses of water every day. Water helps the body wash away harmful toxins that can be detrimental to the scalp . At the same time, people are advised to drink filtered or distilled water that does not contain lead and chlorine.

Cut Caffeine: Drinking too much caffeine can also cause this loss. Caffeine is a diuretic. It makes people urinate more liquid than they take in, and this results in dehydration. Dehydration and the body is another important reason for hair loss. People are advised to replace their coffee intake with milk, fruit beverages or any kind of non-caffeinated drink to help maintain healthy and shiny hair.

Keep Hair Clean: People should also make sure that their hair and scalp are always clean. This will ultimately help their grow faster. Dirt usually clogs hair follicles. This makes it very hard to grow. People should also remember not to shampoo every day. Doing this often damages, dehydrate and cause breakage of hair.

Max Lee is an experienced writer. He has written numerous articles covering several hair systems topics. Please visit at hair systems and toupees .

Many people consider hair loss to be a disappointing experience. The condition can greatly affect a person's self-esteem. A variety of factors can cause this problem including hereditary, pregnancy, diet, environmental and hormonal changes. Luckily, there are several solutions for this that can help.

A Healthy Diet: People who do not consume the correct amount of nutrients can have this loss problems . Everyone needs to consume healthy fats along with sufficient amounts of Vitamins E, A and C. Omega 3 Fatty Acids found in walnuts, fish, mustard and cold pressed olive oil help the body absorb these vitamins for stronger and healthy.

Manage Stress: Another effective technique in preventing hair loss is managing stress. Emotional and physical stress can sometimes increase this loss . When facing a stressful situation, people should try relaxation techniques such as deep breathing and meditation to calm their nerves.

Head Massage: Massaging the scalp for a few minutes daily is a very effective hair loss treatment. This helps stimulate circulation. Good circulation in the scalp keeps a person's follicles very active. Circulation can also be improved by utilizing a few drops of bay essential oil or lavender in a sesame or almond oil base.

Hair Replacement Products: Trying a hair replacement product is also a good way to prevent this loss. These products are created from 100 percent human hair and are undetectable to even the most observant eye. A number of these products are also designed for specific individuals and their unique needs. At the same time, they are an ideal customized solution for people with thinning hair as they are actually integrated into their existing .

Drink Plenty of Water Every Day: To prevent this people should drink at least 10 to 14 eight ounce glasses of water every day. Water helps the body wash away harmful toxins that can be detrimental to the scalp . At the same time, people are advised to drink filtered or distilled water that does not contain lead and chlorine.

Cut Caffeine: Drinking too much caffeine can also cause this loss. Caffeine is a diuretic. It makes people urinate more liquid than they take in, and this results in dehydration. Dehydration and the body is another important reason for hair loss. People are advised to replace their coffee intake with milk, fruit beverages or any kind of non-caffeinated drink to help maintain healthy and shiny hair.

Keep Hair Clean: People should also make sure that their hair and scalp are always clean. This will ultimately help their grow faster. Dirt usually clogs hair follicles. This makes it very hard to grow. People should also remember not to shampoo every day. Doing this often damages, dehydrate and cause breakage of hair.

Max Lee is an experienced writer. He has written numerous articles covering several hair systems topics. Please visit at hair systems and toupees .
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Tyttäremme yksivuotisjuhlat

Tasan vuosi sitten olimme jo päässeet kotiin Kätilöopistolta. Olimme viidettä päivää kolmen hengen perhe. Ystäviä ja perheenjäseniä kävi meillä Oulunkylän kodissa ihastelemassa uutta ihmistä. Vauva oli tyytyväinen pikku tuhisija, hikotteli paljon, kuten vatsassa ollessaan. Imetys oli auvoisista lupauksista ja pumpulinpehmeistä kuvailuista huolimatta järkyttävän kivuliasta. Itkin ja imetin. Imetyksiä lukuunottamatta elo vauvan kanssa sujui hyvin. Tosin muistelen, että vauva söi rintaa noin 26 tuntia vuorokaudessa. Mutta nyt, nyt ihana pikku tuhisija on vuoden ikäinen tohottaja! Maailman ihaninta ja rakkainta tohottajaa juhlittiin viime torstaina.
Yritimme pitää vieraslistan lyhyenä ja kutsua vain lähipiirin, mutta äsken tehdyn laskelman mukaan talossa piipahti lopulta 30 vierasta. Ikäjakauma oli kuukauden ikäisestä päälle kuusikymppisiin. Kello kahdeksi kutsuttiin (äiti)ystävät jälkikasvuineen ja puoli kuudeksi kutsuttiin (työssäkäyvät) ystävät sekä perheenjäsenet. Jako oli oikein onnistunut, koska molemmissa seteissä vieraita oli 15.
Olin suunnitellut, että Inka nukkuu päiväunet puolesta päivästä kahteen, bailaa kaveidensa kanssa noin viiteen, ottaa torkut ja jatkaa bailaamista toisen kattauksen aikaan. Suunnitelma sujui oikein hyvin, tosin hän jätti välitorkut väliin! Likka bailasi kahdesta iltaan asti! Inka oli kyllä uskomattoman reipas. Hän jaksoi olla päivänsankarina koko pitkän päivän. Muutkin lapsivieraat olivat ihastuttavia ja kaikilla oli juhlafiilis.

Päivän ensimmäisessä vieraserässä mukana juhlimassa olivat muun muassa ihastuttavat Odotukseni-blogin Vilma, joka puolestaan täyttää huomenna vuoden sekä Mini Pumpkinin Vilja. Muut lapset olivat kuukaudesta kolmeen vuoteen. Vauvat, taaperot ja lapset touhusivat yhdessä ja erikseen ja näyttivät viihtyvän hyvin. Koko päivän vierassaldossa oli myös jokunen salamatkustaja. Mahtavaa, kun ystäväpiiriin tulee lisää äitejä ja vauvoja!
Leivoin juhliin yhteensä neljä pellillistä kahta eri pizzaa (salami-ananas-oliivi sekä pesto-vuohenjuusto-kirsikkatomaatti-pinjansiemen) ja pakasteyllätyksenä oli karjalanpiirakoita kera munavoin. Makeaksi suupalaksi leivoin porkkanakakkua sekä yllätysyllätys tuorejuustokakun! Lisäksi tarjolla oli fetasalaattia, porkkana- ja kurkkusuikaleita dippien kera, Sukulakuja, Prinsessa-keksejä ja riisisuklaata. Juhlan kunniaksi ostin ensimmäistä kertaa maissinaksuja ja hyvin kävi kaupaksi pikkuvieraille sekä päivänsankarille! Minun ja Inkan kummitädin gluteenittoman ruokavalion vuoksi tein omat gluteenittomat versiot molemmista pizzoista sekä tuorejuustokakusta. Porkkanakakun uskaltauduin tekemään gluteenittomana kaikille tarjottavana.

"Onks nyt kaikki?!"

Pieni päivänsankari sai mitä ihanimpia lahjoja, joilla on nyt leikitty, kolisteltu, luettu, katseltu ja ihasteltu monta päivää ja ties kuinka monta tulevaa vuotta! Siskoni toi Inkalle kellaristaan kaivamansa 70-luvun nukenvaunut, joita olen kaiholla odottanut saapuvaksi. Niillä olen itsekin vuosikaudet leikkinyt. Kuvissa näkyvä punainen taaperokärry taitaa olla yhtä vanha, mutta sen Inka on saanut käyttöönsä jo alkukesästä. (Suvumme retroleluista suunnittelen kirjoittavani myöhemmin!)
Kaikki lahjat olivat todella mieluisia ja Inkan näköisiä (joku saattaisi kröhäistä tässä kohdassa), mutta Inka totisesti arvostaa muun muassa kirjoja ja puisia leluja! Pienet vieraat tutustuivat lahjoihin samantien ja isommat näyttivät miten ne toimivat ja mitä niillä tehdään. Ihastuttavaa yhteisöllisyyttä lasten keskuudessa! Pientä romanssiakin oli ilmassa, kun puolivuotiaat löysivät toistensa katseet. Juhlat olivat mielestäni kaiken kaikkiaan oikein onnistuneet! Itselläni oli hyvä olla enkä edes joutanut stressaamaan mistään. Haluamme Inkan ja isännän kanssa kiittää kaikkia juhlijoita ja onnittelijoita. Vieraat tekevät juhlan!


Tasan vuosi sitten olimme jo päässeet kotiin Kätilöopistolta. Olimme viidettä päivää kolmen hengen perhe. Ystäviä ja perheenjäseniä kävi meillä Oulunkylän kodissa ihastelemassa uutta ihmistä. Vauva oli tyytyväinen pikku tuhisija, hikotteli paljon, kuten vatsassa ollessaan. Imetys oli auvoisista lupauksista ja pumpulinpehmeistä kuvailuista huolimatta järkyttävän kivuliasta. Itkin ja imetin. Imetyksiä lukuunottamatta elo vauvan kanssa sujui hyvin. Tosin muistelen, että vauva söi rintaa noin 26 tuntia vuorokaudessa. Mutta nyt, nyt ihana pikku tuhisija on vuoden ikäinen tohottaja! Maailman ihaninta ja rakkainta tohottajaa juhlittiin viime torstaina.
Yritimme pitää vieraslistan lyhyenä ja kutsua vain lähipiirin, mutta äsken tehdyn laskelman mukaan talossa piipahti lopulta 30 vierasta. Ikäjakauma oli kuukauden ikäisestä päälle kuusikymppisiin. Kello kahdeksi kutsuttiin (äiti)ystävät jälkikasvuineen ja puoli kuudeksi kutsuttiin (työssäkäyvät) ystävät sekä perheenjäsenet. Jako oli oikein onnistunut, koska molemmissa seteissä vieraita oli 15.
Olin suunnitellut, että Inka nukkuu päiväunet puolesta päivästä kahteen, bailaa kaveidensa kanssa noin viiteen, ottaa torkut ja jatkaa bailaamista toisen kattauksen aikaan. Suunnitelma sujui oikein hyvin, tosin hän jätti välitorkut väliin! Likka bailasi kahdesta iltaan asti! Inka oli kyllä uskomattoman reipas. Hän jaksoi olla päivänsankarina koko pitkän päivän. Muutkin lapsivieraat olivat ihastuttavia ja kaikilla oli juhlafiilis.

Päivän ensimmäisessä vieraserässä mukana juhlimassa olivat muun muassa ihastuttavat Odotukseni-blogin Vilma, joka puolestaan täyttää huomenna vuoden sekä Mini Pumpkinin Vilja. Muut lapset olivat kuukaudesta kolmeen vuoteen. Vauvat, taaperot ja lapset touhusivat yhdessä ja erikseen ja näyttivät viihtyvän hyvin. Koko päivän vierassaldossa oli myös jokunen salamatkustaja. Mahtavaa, kun ystäväpiiriin tulee lisää äitejä ja vauvoja!
Leivoin juhliin yhteensä neljä pellillistä kahta eri pizzaa (salami-ananas-oliivi sekä pesto-vuohenjuusto-kirsikkatomaatti-pinjansiemen) ja pakasteyllätyksenä oli karjalanpiirakoita kera munavoin. Makeaksi suupalaksi leivoin porkkanakakkua sekä yllätysyllätys tuorejuustokakun! Lisäksi tarjolla oli fetasalaattia, porkkana- ja kurkkusuikaleita dippien kera, Sukulakuja, Prinsessa-keksejä ja riisisuklaata. Juhlan kunniaksi ostin ensimmäistä kertaa maissinaksuja ja hyvin kävi kaupaksi pikkuvieraille sekä päivänsankarille! Minun ja Inkan kummitädin gluteenittoman ruokavalion vuoksi tein omat gluteenittomat versiot molemmista pizzoista sekä tuorejuustokakusta. Porkkanakakun uskaltauduin tekemään gluteenittomana kaikille tarjottavana.

"Onks nyt kaikki?!"

Pieni päivänsankari sai mitä ihanimpia lahjoja, joilla on nyt leikitty, kolisteltu, luettu, katseltu ja ihasteltu monta päivää ja ties kuinka monta tulevaa vuotta! Siskoni toi Inkalle kellaristaan kaivamansa 70-luvun nukenvaunut, joita olen kaiholla odottanut saapuvaksi. Niillä olen itsekin vuosikaudet leikkinyt. Kuvissa näkyvä punainen taaperokärry taitaa olla yhtä vanha, mutta sen Inka on saanut käyttöönsä jo alkukesästä. (Suvumme retroleluista suunnittelen kirjoittavani myöhemmin!)
Kaikki lahjat olivat todella mieluisia ja Inkan näköisiä (joku saattaisi kröhäistä tässä kohdassa), mutta Inka totisesti arvostaa muun muassa kirjoja ja puisia leluja! Pienet vieraat tutustuivat lahjoihin samantien ja isommat näyttivät miten ne toimivat ja mitä niillä tehdään. Ihastuttavaa yhteisöllisyyttä lasten keskuudessa! Pientä romanssiakin oli ilmassa, kun puolivuotiaat löysivät toistensa katseet. Juhlat olivat mielestäni kaiken kaikkiaan oikein onnistuneet! Itselläni oli hyvä olla enkä edes joutanut stressaamaan mistään. Haluamme Inkan ja isännän kanssa kiittää kaikkia juhlijoita ja onnittelijoita. Vieraat tekevät juhlan!


reade more... Résuméabuiyad

Alopecia - Types of Alopecia & Causes

Known to occur to people of different ages, Alopecia Areata (AA) refers to that type of hair loss which may occur on the head or any other part of the body. Also known as baldness, this term may also be used to refer to androgenic alopecia or pattern alopecia. This rare condition occurs when the immune system mistakenly attacks hair follicles, where the hair growth begins.

While this type of hair loss is most common amongst people below the age of 20, it has also been found to affect children as well as adults. The early symptoms may include when clumps of hairs generally fall off. Often, this leaves behind smooth, round and hairless patches on the scalp. However, there may be certain times when the hairs drastically thins, leaving no noticeable bald patches. In other cases, the hairs may grow or even break off leaving behind short stubs. At times, complete loss of scalp as well as body hairs may occur. In fact, 10% of the people who are affected by this condition may never regrow hairs. There are also a number of factors which make the person far susceptible to developing this type of hair loss. Some of these causes of alopecia areata (AA) include having any autoimmune disease, facing extensive hair loss, the vulnerability to certain allergies (atopy), having a family history of this particular hair loss condition or even having abnormal colour, texture, thickness or shape of toenails and fingernails.

Diagnosing this particular type of hair loss often is done after a careful and thorough examination of the family's medical history as well as a physical and medical examination of the person. Very often in cases where the reason for the hair loss is unknown various tests are conducted such as a hairs analysis and different blood tests. The hairs analysis aims at examining a sample of the hairs. In addition, the doctor may also have a scalp sample to examine it. Different blood tests, such as testing for a specific condition such as underactive or overactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism) are taken to identify the reason for the hair loss.

While the condition is not contagious, one of the main reasons that it occurs is because of the fact that it has affected other family members. Another large contributing factor is mental stress.

Some of the main types of alopecia areata include:

Alopecia areata monolocularis: This is one of the most common types of hair loss and is characterised by bald patches on the scalp. Hair loss generally occurs on the top of one's head (crown) as well as the crowns. It is known to effect men, women as well as children.Alopecia areata multilocularis: In this type of hair loss, multiple bald spots often occur, which may in fact worsen around the scalp and spread to other parts of the body. The sizes of these spots may differ and vary from one another.Alopecia totalis: This type of hair loss refers to the complete/total loss of hairs on the scalp. The causes are believed to be autoimmune and this is one of the most severe cases of baldness. It may occur both to men as well as women.Alopecia universalis: If there is rapid loss of hairs, which is inclusive of eyelashes as well as eyebrows the condition is known as alopecia universalis. Also known as alopecia areata universalis, this type of hair loss is the most severe form of alopecia areata that can occur to a person.Alopecia barbae: This type of hair loss is known to occur to men. Hair loss is observed in the beard area and many people who suffer from this type of hair loss may have small bald spots in the beard area.Traction alopecia: Hair loss occurs as a result of constant pulling of the hair. It may also occur due to the use of tying one's hairs very tightly such as tight ponytails, pigtails, etc. Baldness may occur on the temporal as well as frontal margins of the scalp.Non-scarred alopecia areata: In this type of alopecia, the hairs will thin but cause no specific scarring or prominent marks. It may include alopecia areata, male or female pattern baldness, trichotillomania and telogen effluvium.Scarred alopecia areata: Also known as cicatricial alopecia, this type of hair loss is known to affect 3 % of hair loss patients. Common to men as well as women, this type of hair loss may result in permanent or irreversible destruction to the hairs follicles. In turn the hairs gets replaced with scar tissues. There may be some cases where the hair loss is associated with burning, itching and pain.There are many different types of alopecia areata (AA). Some of them include Alopecia areata monolocularis, Alopecia areata multilocularis, Alopecia totalis, Alopecia universalis, Alopecia barbae, Traction alopecia, Non-scarred alopecia areata and Scarred alopecia areata. Rate this Article

Alopecia - Types of Alopecia & CausesNot Rated Yet

Nisha Parkar has published 7 articles. Article submitted on July 30, 2013. Word count: 768

Before knowing about the common types of health diseases, we must know about disease. There are many types of diseases. Some of the common types of health diseases are Infectious disease, Contagious disease, Genetic disease.

Written by: Anna Phills

There are different factors that are attributed by the causes of low back pain such as poor posture, overstretched muscles, accidents and straining of muscles. More so, there are risk factors also known to cause pain at the back.

Written by: Tommy Wayne

Treating acne can be a complex diagnosis so understanding the root cause or causes is needed to get it right. These causes are both internal and external conditions and addressing both will go a long way to curing your acne skin by determining the appropriate treatment.

Written by: Allan Stewart

Diagnosis includes a patient interview and physical examinations. When trying to establish the cause of the arthralgia, the emphasis in the interview. The patient is asked questions designed to reduce the number of possible causes. Given the varied nature of these possible causes, questions.

Written by: Anjali Raj Sharma

Known to occur to people of different ages, Alopecia Areata (AA) refers to that type of hair loss which may occur on the head or any other part of the body. Also known as baldness, this term may also be used to refer to androgenic alopecia or pattern alopecia. This rare condition occurs when the immune system mistakenly attacks hair follicles, where the hair growth begins.

While this type of hair loss is most common amongst people below the age of 20, it has also been found to affect children as well as adults. The early symptoms may include when clumps of hairs generally fall off. Often, this leaves behind smooth, round and hairless patches on the scalp. However, there may be certain times when the hairs drastically thins, leaving no noticeable bald patches. In other cases, the hairs may grow or even break off leaving behind short stubs. At times, complete loss of scalp as well as body hairs may occur. In fact, 10% of the people who are affected by this condition may never regrow hairs. There are also a number of factors which make the person far susceptible to developing this type of hair loss. Some of these causes of alopecia areata (AA) include having any autoimmune disease, facing extensive hair loss, the vulnerability to certain allergies (atopy), having a family history of this particular hair loss condition or even having abnormal colour, texture, thickness or shape of toenails and fingernails.

Diagnosing this particular type of hair loss often is done after a careful and thorough examination of the family's medical history as well as a physical and medical examination of the person. Very often in cases where the reason for the hair loss is unknown various tests are conducted such as a hairs analysis and different blood tests. The hairs analysis aims at examining a sample of the hairs. In addition, the doctor may also have a scalp sample to examine it. Different blood tests, such as testing for a specific condition such as underactive or overactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism) are taken to identify the reason for the hair loss.

While the condition is not contagious, one of the main reasons that it occurs is because of the fact that it has affected other family members. Another large contributing factor is mental stress.

Some of the main types of alopecia areata include:

Alopecia areata monolocularis: This is one of the most common types of hair loss and is characterised by bald patches on the scalp. Hair loss generally occurs on the top of one's head (crown) as well as the crowns. It is known to effect men, women as well as children.Alopecia areata multilocularis: In this type of hair loss, multiple bald spots often occur, which may in fact worsen around the scalp and spread to other parts of the body. The sizes of these spots may differ and vary from one another.Alopecia totalis: This type of hair loss refers to the complete/total loss of hairs on the scalp. The causes are believed to be autoimmune and this is one of the most severe cases of baldness. It may occur both to men as well as women.Alopecia universalis: If there is rapid loss of hairs, which is inclusive of eyelashes as well as eyebrows the condition is known as alopecia universalis. Also known as alopecia areata universalis, this type of hair loss is the most severe form of alopecia areata that can occur to a person.Alopecia barbae: This type of hair loss is known to occur to men. Hair loss is observed in the beard area and many people who suffer from this type of hair loss may have small bald spots in the beard area.Traction alopecia: Hair loss occurs as a result of constant pulling of the hair. It may also occur due to the use of tying one's hairs very tightly such as tight ponytails, pigtails, etc. Baldness may occur on the temporal as well as frontal margins of the scalp.Non-scarred alopecia areata: In this type of alopecia, the hairs will thin but cause no specific scarring or prominent marks. It may include alopecia areata, male or female pattern baldness, trichotillomania and telogen effluvium.Scarred alopecia areata: Also known as cicatricial alopecia, this type of hair loss is known to affect 3 % of hair loss patients. Common to men as well as women, this type of hair loss may result in permanent or irreversible destruction to the hairs follicles. In turn the hairs gets replaced with scar tissues. There may be some cases where the hair loss is associated with burning, itching and pain.There are many different types of alopecia areata (AA). Some of them include Alopecia areata monolocularis, Alopecia areata multilocularis, Alopecia totalis, Alopecia universalis, Alopecia barbae, Traction alopecia, Non-scarred alopecia areata and Scarred alopecia areata. Rate this Article

Alopecia - Types of Alopecia & CausesNot Rated Yet

Nisha Parkar has published 7 articles. Article submitted on July 30, 2013. Word count: 768

Before knowing about the common types of health diseases, we must know about disease. There are many types of diseases. Some of the common types of health diseases are Infectious disease, Contagious disease, Genetic disease.

Written by: Anna Phills

There are different factors that are attributed by the causes of low back pain such as poor posture, overstretched muscles, accidents and straining of muscles. More so, there are risk factors also known to cause pain at the back.

Written by: Tommy Wayne

Treating acne can be a complex diagnosis so understanding the root cause or causes is needed to get it right. These causes are both internal and external conditions and addressing both will go a long way to curing your acne skin by determining the appropriate treatment.

Written by: Allan Stewart

Diagnosis includes a patient interview and physical examinations. When trying to establish the cause of the arthralgia, the emphasis in the interview. The patient is asked questions designed to reduce the number of possible causes. Given the varied nature of these possible causes, questions.

Written by: Anjali Raj Sharma

reade more... Résuméabuiyad

Propecia Negative Effects Contain Decreased Wish to have Liquor

New research suggests that Propecia, the controversial anti-baldness drug created by Co. & Merck, decreases the desire to have liquor. The conclusions corroborate issues from the medical community about Propecia's effect on the head, and were released amid a quantity of suggestions of permanent sexual disorder and other troubles due to the substance. The study was published in the June 13 problem of medical record Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental.

The analysis was done by Dr. Michael S. Irwig from your Center for Andrology and Department of Endocrinology at George Washington University. It seemed at 83 men who created sexual negative effects after taking Propecia, and discovered that 65% of the who consumed at least one liquor weekly ahead of taking the medication lost the need to consume alcohol after starting therapy.

Irwig determined that further study is required to the effect on the central nervous system, and that the entire scope of likely Propecia unwanted effects might not be recognized. A prior review light emitting diode by Irwig confirmed that 94% of males experiencing sexual dysfunction designed a diminished libido, and 69-74 had trouble achieving orgasm. Normally, intimate inability continued for 40 weeks after-treatment was concluded. Sometimes, Propecia intimate malfunction continued for a lot more than five years.

In his summary, Irwig stated: "In many men who developed prolonged sexual unwanted effects, despite the discontinuation of finasteride, the sexual disorder continued for several weeks or years. Prescribers of finasteride and men considering its use must certainly be made conscious of the possible negative treatment effects"

Merck applied "aggressive" strategy

Propecia - Merck's brand for finasteride - continues to be advertised at like a therapy for pattern hair-loss, the most typical form of baldness men. Finasteride functions by inhibiting the enzyme that converts testosterone in to dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT is just a main driver of the male sexual drive. An ever-increasing quantity of men came forward claiming the substance causes Propecia negative effects like impotence problems, reduced libido, testicular pain, unusual climax and despair.

The organization is accused of using an intense, direct-to-consumer promotional strategy which fooled the general public. In 1998, soon after Propecia gained agreement from the FDA, Merck allegedly spent $60 million on marketing and sales increased year on year, creating $447 million for the organization this season alone.

In April 2012, the FDA declared that Merck had consented to upgrade the drug's marking to reveal the danger of sexual dysfunction, which in some instances has proved lasting.

The up-to-date brand read: "Reproductive System: Sexual dysfunction that continued after discontinuation of therapy, including libido disorders, erectile dysfunction, climax disorders, and climax disorders; male fertility and/or bad seminal quality (normalization or enhancement of seminal quality is noted after discontinuation of finasteride )"

Propecia sexual dysfunction might be lasting

Based on a study done in 2003, only 50-59% of men who endured adverse sexual side effects after getting Propecia "experienced quality of the adverse events even after stopping use of finasteride" In 2006, yet another study figured Propecia must certainly be "prescribed cautiously" More appropriate activity is likely to be introduced against Merck, as men come forward with problems of severe Propecia side effects.

Ankit N Maru Photo writes article for hair loss treatment product. He has vast exposure in writing for hair loss treatment products like Propecia, Finasteride, Propecia Online, Buy Propecia side effects, Generic Propecia, Cheap Propecia, Buy Propecia and many more. Visit propecia for more details.

New research suggests that Propecia, the controversial anti-baldness drug created by Co. & Merck, decreases the desire to have liquor. The conclusions corroborate issues from the medical community about Propecia's effect on the head, and were released amid a quantity of suggestions of permanent sexual disorder and other troubles due to the substance. The study was published in the June 13 problem of medical record Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental.

The analysis was done by Dr. Michael S. Irwig from your Center for Andrology and Department of Endocrinology at George Washington University. It seemed at 83 men who created sexual negative effects after taking Propecia, and discovered that 65% of the who consumed at least one liquor weekly ahead of taking the medication lost the need to consume alcohol after starting therapy.

Irwig determined that further study is required to the effect on the central nervous system, and that the entire scope of likely Propecia unwanted effects might not be recognized. A prior review light emitting diode by Irwig confirmed that 94% of males experiencing sexual dysfunction designed a diminished libido, and 69-74 had trouble achieving orgasm. Normally, intimate inability continued for 40 weeks after-treatment was concluded. Sometimes, Propecia intimate malfunction continued for a lot more than five years.

In his summary, Irwig stated: "In many men who developed prolonged sexual unwanted effects, despite the discontinuation of finasteride, the sexual disorder continued for several weeks or years. Prescribers of finasteride and men considering its use must certainly be made conscious of the possible negative treatment effects"

Merck applied "aggressive" strategy

Propecia - Merck's brand for finasteride - continues to be advertised at like a therapy for pattern hair-loss, the most typical form of baldness men. Finasteride functions by inhibiting the enzyme that converts testosterone in to dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT is just a main driver of the male sexual drive. An ever-increasing quantity of men came forward claiming the substance causes Propecia negative effects like impotence problems, reduced libido, testicular pain, unusual climax and despair.

The organization is accused of using an intense, direct-to-consumer promotional strategy which fooled the general public. In 1998, soon after Propecia gained agreement from the FDA, Merck allegedly spent $60 million on marketing and sales increased year on year, creating $447 million for the organization this season alone.

In April 2012, the FDA declared that Merck had consented to upgrade the drug's marking to reveal the danger of sexual dysfunction, which in some instances has proved lasting.

The up-to-date brand read: "Reproductive System: Sexual dysfunction that continued after discontinuation of therapy, including libido disorders, erectile dysfunction, climax disorders, and climax disorders; male fertility and/or bad seminal quality (normalization or enhancement of seminal quality is noted after discontinuation of finasteride )"

Propecia sexual dysfunction might be lasting

Based on a study done in 2003, only 50-59% of men who endured adverse sexual side effects after getting Propecia "experienced quality of the adverse events even after stopping use of finasteride" In 2006, yet another study figured Propecia must certainly be "prescribed cautiously" More appropriate activity is likely to be introduced against Merck, as men come forward with problems of severe Propecia side effects.

Ankit N Maru Photo writes article for hair loss treatment product. He has vast exposure in writing for hair loss treatment products like Propecia, Finasteride, Propecia Online, Buy Propecia side effects, Generic Propecia, Cheap Propecia, Buy Propecia and many more. Visit propecia for more details.
reade more... Résuméabuiyad

Causes of Hair Loss and How to Deal With it!

Hair loss is something that happens to both men and women.

In 33% of the cases, men usually begin to witness some form of baldness before they get to the golden age of 50 years.

Presently there is no immediate cure that you can use for this problem, however there are so many products that have the ability to encourage growth and stop your hair from thinning. Some of these products don't actually deliver on their promises as they were just designed to swindle desperate men of their hard earned dollar$.

There are even a few products that are not designed to solve the problem but to hide the fact that you are going bald. Examples are hair fibers, hair dyes and wigs that when used only makes men look ridiculous. Balding is an issue that can cause a serious emotional blow to a man. This problem is usually seen as a sign of aging and this can reduce a man's self-esteem and confidence tremendously.

The thing that hair care companies know is that men that have just started growing bald would be willing to spend lots of money on hair transplants, treatments and medications. They are fully aware that no man wants to lose his hair so these merchants design products that are not meant to deal with the issue properly but they solve it temporarily. It seems this is deliberate; they make products that work temporarily so that you need to keep restocking their products till eternity. They know for a fact that men would always buy medications, treatments and follicles transplants!

So What Exactly Is The Reason Why Men Experience Hair Loss

In some cases balding and thinning hair is usually caused by hereditary or it is a sign of aging. In some cases it could be the results of anxiety, stress, nutritional changes and hormonal imbalance (similar to acne in puberty).

In so many cases health issues such as iron deficiency anemia and thyroid disease can trigger hair loss.

Baldness is something that can begin at any time in a man's life - it is not limited to only old men. This is why I recommend going for natural products if you are really serious about dealing with your baldness problem, these kinds of products does not affect your body system. Don't even bother using prescription medications because all though they work they are a waste of money and time. These kinds of products can affect your sex life (this is one of the side effects of orthodox hair loss medications).

So many men these days now go for natural treatment to deal with the male pattern baldness that they are experiencing. Profollica is a common natural treatment that thousands of men have discovered to give them results. This product comes packaged as a shampoo and a bottle of natural supplements. The shampoo aims at removing the excess DHT that might still be on the follicle so that it can prevent further hair loss, while the natural supplements contain the essential vitamins that helps to balance your hormones and prevent subsequent hair loss.

Profollica is a product that can help in stopping and reversing male pattern baldness. You don't even need a doctor's prescription to get this product. You can order it online and there are absolutely no side effects that you would experience when making use of this product. This product is perfectly safe, so there is nothing to worry about if you keep using it to reverse your hair loss problem and prevent baldness from ever showing up. And it is quite affordable, a lot more affordable than undergoing follicles transplant surgery.

Mary Orlando Photo If you suffer from hair loss then I advise that you check one of the numerous Profollica user reviews to help you in re-growing your mane naturally. Mary Orlando is a health and fitness fanatic!

Hair loss is something that happens to both men and women.

In 33% of the cases, men usually begin to witness some form of baldness before they get to the golden age of 50 years.

Presently there is no immediate cure that you can use for this problem, however there are so many products that have the ability to encourage growth and stop your hair from thinning. Some of these products don't actually deliver on their promises as they were just designed to swindle desperate men of their hard earned dollar$.

There are even a few products that are not designed to solve the problem but to hide the fact that you are going bald. Examples are hair fibers, hair dyes and wigs that when used only makes men look ridiculous. Balding is an issue that can cause a serious emotional blow to a man. This problem is usually seen as a sign of aging and this can reduce a man's self-esteem and confidence tremendously.

The thing that hair care companies know is that men that have just started growing bald would be willing to spend lots of money on hair transplants, treatments and medications. They are fully aware that no man wants to lose his hair so these merchants design products that are not meant to deal with the issue properly but they solve it temporarily. It seems this is deliberate; they make products that work temporarily so that you need to keep restocking their products till eternity. They know for a fact that men would always buy medications, treatments and follicles transplants!

So What Exactly Is The Reason Why Men Experience Hair Loss

In some cases balding and thinning hair is usually caused by hereditary or it is a sign of aging. In some cases it could be the results of anxiety, stress, nutritional changes and hormonal imbalance (similar to acne in puberty).

In so many cases health issues such as iron deficiency anemia and thyroid disease can trigger hair loss.

Baldness is something that can begin at any time in a man's life - it is not limited to only old men. This is why I recommend going for natural products if you are really serious about dealing with your baldness problem, these kinds of products does not affect your body system. Don't even bother using prescription medications because all though they work they are a waste of money and time. These kinds of products can affect your sex life (this is one of the side effects of orthodox hair loss medications).

So many men these days now go for natural treatment to deal with the male pattern baldness that they are experiencing. Profollica is a common natural treatment that thousands of men have discovered to give them results. This product comes packaged as a shampoo and a bottle of natural supplements. The shampoo aims at removing the excess DHT that might still be on the follicle so that it can prevent further hair loss, while the natural supplements contain the essential vitamins that helps to balance your hormones and prevent subsequent hair loss.

Profollica is a product that can help in stopping and reversing male pattern baldness. You don't even need a doctor's prescription to get this product. You can order it online and there are absolutely no side effects that you would experience when making use of this product. This product is perfectly safe, so there is nothing to worry about if you keep using it to reverse your hair loss problem and prevent baldness from ever showing up. And it is quite affordable, a lot more affordable than undergoing follicles transplant surgery.

Mary Orlando Photo If you suffer from hair loss then I advise that you check one of the numerous Profollica user reviews to help you in re-growing your mane naturally. Mary Orlando is a health and fitness fanatic!
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Allay Hair Loss With Finpecia

Finpecia- The best drug to treat hair loss

Hair loss is one of the worst and annoying thing experienced by all. Many people starts losing their hair at a very young age itself, there are many reasons behind hair loss like abnormal functions of hormones, hereditary factors etc. Nowadays a lot of remedies are available for preventing hair loss both men and women. It is one of the well popular and effective medicine for treating hair loss pattern in men. This drug actively works out within the top and anterior part of head promoting hair growth. The active ingredient within Finpecia is Finasteride.

How it works out to treat hair loss in men??

Hair loss occurs due to the increased level of DHT (Dihydrtestosterne) within the scalps. These DHT spreads over the scalp thus inhibiting the growth of new hairs and also the existing hair. The active ingredient in drug blocks the formation of DHT and promotes the growth of new hairs within the hair follicles. This medicine ensures that the next layer of hair is healthy as well as strong enough.

Dosage preferred for Finpecia

It is an active oral med which enhances the growth of hair. The preferred dosage of Finpecia is 1mg per day, this drug can be taken with or without food. Continuous consumption f this drug show a very quick result in men within a time span of three to four months. This may vary in different men according to their body nature. It is always recommended by health practitioners to continue the drug till the doctor prescribes, stopping this drug may cause reverse effects. If you ever miss one dose of Finpecia, you can consume them as soon as you remember. But never take more than one pill a day, this may cause many health tribulations. One can get Finpecia online too, there are many pharmacy portals selling these medicines via online too.

Things to care about while opting Finpecia

It is an exclusive medicine for men only, women and children must avoid this medication. Nursing mother and pregnant ladies should not handle this drug, due to the fact that this drug causes health problems for the unborn and breast feeding babies. This drug have been mentioned within the pregnancy Category X.It is safe to avoid it, if you are allergic to Finasteride. One should consult a doctor before taking this tablet, to know whether you are allergic to these drugs.

How to store Finpecia pills??

The drugs must be stored within a cooler place at a temperature of about 30 degree Celsius. This drug must be kept away from the reach of sunlight.

The side effects reported by this drug is very rare, only 1 to 2 percent of men have reported such unwanted effects. The commonly reported side effects are headaches, nausea, less desire for sex, temporary difficulties in proper penile erection etc. These side effects are mainly seen in people wh stop consuming Finpecia, this side effects can be get rid of once they continue the required dosage.

Finpecia- The best drug to treat hair loss

Hair loss is one of the worst and annoying thing experienced by all. Many people starts losing their hair at a very young age itself, there are many reasons behind hair loss like abnormal functions of hormones, hereditary factors etc. Nowadays a lot of remedies are available for preventing hair loss both men and women. It is one of the well popular and effective medicine for treating hair loss pattern in men. This drug actively works out within the top and anterior part of head promoting hair growth. The active ingredient within Finpecia is Finasteride.

How it works out to treat hair loss in men??

Hair loss occurs due to the increased level of DHT (Dihydrtestosterne) within the scalps. These DHT spreads over the scalp thus inhibiting the growth of new hairs and also the existing hair. The active ingredient in drug blocks the formation of DHT and promotes the growth of new hairs within the hair follicles. This medicine ensures that the next layer of hair is healthy as well as strong enough.

Dosage preferred for Finpecia

It is an active oral med which enhances the growth of hair. The preferred dosage of Finpecia is 1mg per day, this drug can be taken with or without food. Continuous consumption f this drug show a very quick result in men within a time span of three to four months. This may vary in different men according to their body nature. It is always recommended by health practitioners to continue the drug till the doctor prescribes, stopping this drug may cause reverse effects. If you ever miss one dose of Finpecia, you can consume them as soon as you remember. But never take more than one pill a day, this may cause many health tribulations. One can get Finpecia online too, there are many pharmacy portals selling these medicines via online too.

Things to care about while opting Finpecia

It is an exclusive medicine for men only, women and children must avoid this medication. Nursing mother and pregnant ladies should not handle this drug, due to the fact that this drug causes health problems for the unborn and breast feeding babies. This drug have been mentioned within the pregnancy Category X.It is safe to avoid it, if you are allergic to Finasteride. One should consult a doctor before taking this tablet, to know whether you are allergic to these drugs.

How to store Finpecia pills??

The drugs must be stored within a cooler place at a temperature of about 30 degree Celsius. This drug must be kept away from the reach of sunlight.

The side effects reported by this drug is very rare, only 1 to 2 percent of men have reported such unwanted effects. The commonly reported side effects are headaches, nausea, less desire for sex, temporary difficulties in proper penile erection etc. These side effects are mainly seen in people wh stop consuming Finpecia, this side effects can be get rid of once they continue the required dosage.

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Hair Loss in Women - Female Pattern Baldness

Often assumed to occur only to men, hair loss in women is also prevalent. It has been estimated that only 45% of all women go through their life with a full head of hairs!

Almost every female develops female pattern hair loss which occurs any time after the onset of puberty. It is often observed in severe cases after menopause. The risk of developing this problem increases with age.

This problem basically refers to the loss of hairs due to aging, genes or hormones. This is also known as alopecia and may also be a result of other causes such as sudden weight loss, fever, childbirth, extreme amount of stress, hormonal changes, genes, reaction to a medication, etc. It may also occur due to ageing and is an extremely devastating problem which may have shattering negative effects on one's self-image as well as emotional well-being.

In extreme cases, even baldness may occur, known as female pattern baldness. Similar to male pattern baldness, this type of hair loss refers to the complete loss of hairs, where new hairs does not even grow back. In such extreme cases, various changes in the androgens (male hormones) may occur to the body. This usually occurs after reaching menopause. The hair often becomes thinner at the crown, but coarser on the face.

Other than female pattern baldness hair loss may occur due to a variety of other reasons. Some of these include certain autoimmune diseases, skin diseases which lead to the scarring of hair follicles and hormonal changes such as too little thyroid hormone or too much testerone.

Female pattern baldness is different from male pattern baldness in the manner the hair becomes thin. Here, the hair usually thins at the top and crown of the scalp. It stars with a widening through the centre of the hair. The hair line, most often does not progress to total or complete baldness as it does for men.

Various other reasons may include low levels of vitamin B (biotin) or any other vitamin deficiency, certain types of medications such as beta blockers or chemotherapy, syphilis-a sexually transmitted disease, low levels of iron in the body, breakage of the hair as a result of various treatments such as hair shaft abnormalities (present from birth), different treatments, various twisting or pulling of the hairs.

In order to identify or diagnose whether you actually are suffering from female pattern baldness, you need to rule out any other causes first. Besides that you have to keep the family medical history into account as well as the appearance and pattern of the loss of hair. You may also be examined to see whether you have other signs of excessive male hormone (androgens) such as changes in the menstrual cycle, enlargement of the clitoris, new acne as well as abnormal new hair growth, such as on the face or between the belly button and the pubic area.

In some cases even a skin biopsy may be taken as well as blood tests to diagnose any skin disorder which has led to the hair loss.

There are a number of causal factors which may lead to female pattern baldness . Similar to male pattern baldness, this type of hair loss is caused to a number of factors such as reaction to certain medications or treatments, certain illnesses, sudden loss in weight, stress, etc.

Often assumed to occur only to men, hair loss in women is also prevalent. It has been estimated that only 45% of all women go through their life with a full head of hairs!

Almost every female develops female pattern hair loss which occurs any time after the onset of puberty. It is often observed in severe cases after menopause. The risk of developing this problem increases with age.

This problem basically refers to the loss of hairs due to aging, genes or hormones. This is also known as alopecia and may also be a result of other causes such as sudden weight loss, fever, childbirth, extreme amount of stress, hormonal changes, genes, reaction to a medication, etc. It may also occur due to ageing and is an extremely devastating problem which may have shattering negative effects on one's self-image as well as emotional well-being.

In extreme cases, even baldness may occur, known as female pattern baldness. Similar to male pattern baldness, this type of hair loss refers to the complete loss of hairs, where new hairs does not even grow back. In such extreme cases, various changes in the androgens (male hormones) may occur to the body. This usually occurs after reaching menopause. The hair often becomes thinner at the crown, but coarser on the face.

Other than female pattern baldness hair loss may occur due to a variety of other reasons. Some of these include certain autoimmune diseases, skin diseases which lead to the scarring of hair follicles and hormonal changes such as too little thyroid hormone or too much testerone.

Female pattern baldness is different from male pattern baldness in the manner the hair becomes thin. Here, the hair usually thins at the top and crown of the scalp. It stars with a widening through the centre of the hair. The hair line, most often does not progress to total or complete baldness as it does for men.

Various other reasons may include low levels of vitamin B (biotin) or any other vitamin deficiency, certain types of medications such as beta blockers or chemotherapy, syphilis-a sexually transmitted disease, low levels of iron in the body, breakage of the hair as a result of various treatments such as hair shaft abnormalities (present from birth), different treatments, various twisting or pulling of the hairs.

In order to identify or diagnose whether you actually are suffering from female pattern baldness, you need to rule out any other causes first. Besides that you have to keep the family medical history into account as well as the appearance and pattern of the loss of hair. You may also be examined to see whether you have other signs of excessive male hormone (androgens) such as changes in the menstrual cycle, enlargement of the clitoris, new acne as well as abnormal new hair growth, such as on the face or between the belly button and the pubic area.

In some cases even a skin biopsy may be taken as well as blood tests to diagnose any skin disorder which has led to the hair loss.

There are a number of causal factors which may lead to female pattern baldness . Similar to male pattern baldness, this type of hair loss is caused to a number of factors such as reaction to certain medications or treatments, certain illnesses, sudden loss in weight, stress, etc.
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Kahdestoista kuukausi

Tasan vuosi sitten pötköttelin Kätilöopiston perhehuoneessa. Seuranani minulla oli ihana uusi ihminen, ensimmäinen lapseni, rakas tyttäreni. Viereeni vedetyllä sängyllä samaa ihanuutta ihmetteli isäntä, tuore isä. Maailmani mullistui, minusta oli tullut äiti!
Tytär syntyi kaksi viikkoa yli lasketun ajan. Hän viihtyi kohdussani niin hyvin, että häntä sai houkutella ulos ballongilla, kalvojen puhkaisulla, oksitosiinilla ja imukupilla. Siinä synnytystarinani lyhykäisyydessään.
Inka täytti torstaina vuoden. Hän on jo iso tyttö, jolla on ison tytön eleet ja vinkeet. Hän kävelee reippaasti tukia pitkin ja kärryn kanssa, mutta ilman tukea jalat ovat kuin lattiaan liimatut. Kaikenlaiset palikkapelit näyttävät olevan mieluisia ja niiden pelaaminen onnistuu joka kerta paremmin. Kirjojen lukeminen ja katselu kiinnostaa kovasti edelleen. Hän höpöttelee omiaan jatkuvasti. Uusia ymmärrettäviä sanoja on ei, otan ja maitoo. Sormi ojossa Inka sanoo "Otan, otan!" tai reippaalla pään pudistuksella höystettynä "Eei, eei..".
Kuukaudessa ei ole sen kummemmin tullut uusia näkyviä taitoja. Toisaalta ymmärrys on selkeästi kehittynyt. Inka osaa näyttää kirjasta muutamia tuttuja kuvia ja kertoa paremmin tarpeistaan. Tai sitten äidin ja isän ymmärrys tyttären tarpeita kohtaan on kehittynyt... Inka nukkuu pääasiassa yhdet päiväunet noin puolestapäivästä kahteen.
Inka sai ensimmäistä kertaa tavallista maitoa viime lauantaina. Muutamana päivänä annettiin maitoa ja korviketta vuoroaterioin, mutta nyt päämaitona on perustölkkimaito. Hoitolaukun pohjalla tosin kulkee edelleen Tuuti kätevän säilyvyytensä vuoksi. Inka on saanut maistella paljon ruokia meidän lautasilta, mutta pääosin hän saa vielä oman version aikuisten ruoasta, vähemmän suolatun ja maustetun.
Yksivuotisneuvola on loppukuusta. Siellä saadaan tarkempia mittoja meidän hentoisesta neidistä. Heinäkuussa olleessa ylimääräisessä neuvolakerrassa molemmat mitat, sekä pituus että paino, alkoivat vihdoin seiskalla.
Kavereiden hiekkalaatikolla tänään.

Tasan vuosi sitten pötköttelin Kätilöopiston perhehuoneessa. Seuranani minulla oli ihana uusi ihminen, ensimmäinen lapseni, rakas tyttäreni. Viereeni vedetyllä sängyllä samaa ihanuutta ihmetteli isäntä, tuore isä. Maailmani mullistui, minusta oli tullut äiti!
Tytär syntyi kaksi viikkoa yli lasketun ajan. Hän viihtyi kohdussani niin hyvin, että häntä sai houkutella ulos ballongilla, kalvojen puhkaisulla, oksitosiinilla ja imukupilla. Siinä synnytystarinani lyhykäisyydessään.
Inka täytti torstaina vuoden. Hän on jo iso tyttö, jolla on ison tytön eleet ja vinkeet. Hän kävelee reippaasti tukia pitkin ja kärryn kanssa, mutta ilman tukea jalat ovat kuin lattiaan liimatut. Kaikenlaiset palikkapelit näyttävät olevan mieluisia ja niiden pelaaminen onnistuu joka kerta paremmin. Kirjojen lukeminen ja katselu kiinnostaa kovasti edelleen. Hän höpöttelee omiaan jatkuvasti. Uusia ymmärrettäviä sanoja on ei, otan ja maitoo. Sormi ojossa Inka sanoo "Otan, otan!" tai reippaalla pään pudistuksella höystettynä "Eei, eei..".
Kuukaudessa ei ole sen kummemmin tullut uusia näkyviä taitoja. Toisaalta ymmärrys on selkeästi kehittynyt. Inka osaa näyttää kirjasta muutamia tuttuja kuvia ja kertoa paremmin tarpeistaan. Tai sitten äidin ja isän ymmärrys tyttären tarpeita kohtaan on kehittynyt... Inka nukkuu pääasiassa yhdet päiväunet noin puolestapäivästä kahteen.
Inka sai ensimmäistä kertaa tavallista maitoa viime lauantaina. Muutamana päivänä annettiin maitoa ja korviketta vuoroaterioin, mutta nyt päämaitona on perustölkkimaito. Hoitolaukun pohjalla tosin kulkee edelleen Tuuti kätevän säilyvyytensä vuoksi. Inka on saanut maistella paljon ruokia meidän lautasilta, mutta pääosin hän saa vielä oman version aikuisten ruoasta, vähemmän suolatun ja maustetun.
Yksivuotisneuvola on loppukuusta. Siellä saadaan tarkempia mittoja meidän hentoisesta neidistä. Heinäkuussa olleessa ylimääräisessä neuvolakerrassa molemmat mitat, sekä pituus että paino, alkoivat vihdoin seiskalla.
Kavereiden hiekkalaatikolla tänään.

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