
Safe clothes

I have no kid.
I didn't know regulations about children's clothes until reading today's paper.
There are some dangerous parts, for example, a hood, strings or fasteners.
String may hang a baby.

In Japan, there is not any rule.
In Europe, the regulation seems strict.

Sometimes I make kids' clothes. All are for life-size dolls.
I posted them on my sewing site. Some of my clothes are bad for kids.

If you make clothes for your kid, you should replace strings by Velcro etc.

baby wear
This is for a doll.
Making this cape.
I have no kid.
I didn't know regulations about children's clothes until reading today's paper.
There are some dangerous parts, for example, a hood, strings or fasteners.
String may hang a baby.

In Japan, there is not any rule.
In Europe, the regulation seems strict.

Sometimes I make kids' clothes. All are for life-size dolls.
I posted them on my sewing site. Some of my clothes are bad for kids.

If you make clothes for your kid, you should replace strings by Velcro etc.

baby wear
This is for a doll.
Making this cape.

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